Friday, July 4, 2014

Now Dwight just stuck his head in our bedroom trash and found his horn chew that I had secretly thrown away behind his back because I thought it looked gross. He brought it over to his bed and is now happily chewing it. After this and last night's cookie find, he probably thinks there are treasures hidden all around the house... I hope he doesn't become a trash diver.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Haha! Dwight just stuck his head in a bag that we brought to Houston and rummaged out a hard ass cookie we got for free at The Spot in Galveston about two weeks ago that we forgot about. He trotted with it in his mouth over to his bed by the couch, while looking at us with his eyes wide, like he was asking... "Can I eat this, pleeeease?" He was so excited.

Alas, it was a chocolate chip cookie and he's been having massive bouts of diarrhea, so I had to trade him for some dog treats. But it was so cute!
How to make someone happy for very little cost/effort...take away something that they're used to having and take for granted...and then give it back to them!

I thought I had lost my wedding ring, especially after Aaron, the best finder of things in this house, tore the house up and down and could not find it. We were contemplating driving all the way up to kung fu to see if I had left it there...when I found it under the coaster on the windowsill of our bedroom. I literally cried.