Thursday, December 22, 2011

I recently read through Aaron's old blog, and it made me realize how important it is to keep up with blogging. His made me laugh so much and reminded me of happenings that I'd totally forgotten...which adds to my recent fear that I'm forgetting a lot more things than usual. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's age (after all, I did find six short white hairs the night before my 28th birthday), maybe it'll all come back to me (I hope), but for right now, when I try to remember certain things, it feels like reaching into the dark and touching nothing but mist and fuzziness. Which is very disturbing because my memory has always been one of the things I felt I could depend on.

There are a couple of things I should get down on virtual paper before I forget (the creepshow lady we saw at Mockingbird Station who gave both Aaron and I the Fear, for one), but somehow, I'm just not in the right mood for now.

So I'll leave you with the thought that Dwight loves the sun. Whenever it's sunny outside, he begs to go lay out in the sun like some daisy-duke wearing teenage girl. And then he lays on the ground with his eyes mostly closed, in bliss.