Saturday, February 23, 2008

Have you ever had a subject or word that seems entirely random pop up again and again for about a week in conversations, reading, etc.?

A few months ago it was the word "Namaste," which is apparently a Sanskrit greeting word...I saw it on a bumper sticker, and then Aaron's dad sent an email containing the word. Directly translated it means "The divine light within me greets the divine light within you," and neo-hippies around the world use it at farmer's markets and yoga classes...and maybe Whole Foods.

Just today, it is the word "nadir." Two hours ago I read it over Aaron's shoulder in a CNN article about Clinton vs. Obama, and I asked him what it meant. He didn't know, and I didn't care enough to look it up. Now, (working at the library and studying), I find it again in my Physiology syllabus. After 24 years of never having heard the word, it shows up now, twice in a row. I think it means I better figure out what it means, because I will need it someday soon.

From Merriam-Webster online search:
1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer
2 : the lowest point

I will be sure to impress others with my formidable grasp of vocabulary by adding it to certain sentences:
"The nadir of my life up until now has been attending medical school."

On a separate note, here is a blog that has made me laugh a lot.


mr. j said...

Jen, what you experienced was a form of Synchronicity.

I love it when it happens.

One time, I was in a internet cafe in Thailand, and Jimmy sent me an email with the subject line that read "Gimme the beat boys that free my soul, let me get lost in your rock and roll and drift away"

1 or 2 mins later - the normally thai radio station ended up playing THAT EXACT SAME SONG.

Monica said...

what is the deal with me finding things MONTHS after you?! ugh