Sunday, September 7, 2003

i am a fish killer.

i accidentally killed my two fish danio and stormy.

today went on the surface pretty much as i planned. did laundry (while doing so i had to oust some guy doug's clothes out of the washing maching b/c he left them in there after they were done and there were no washers left...sorry doug), cleaned out the fish tank (which was when the fateful accident occurred) and went to the pawn shop to look at the bike. it still is about $75. i want it so bad but i dont want to buy it if it is so freaking exp.

also started on the hell of memorizing functional groups for organic chemistry...

and found some ad at the Union put up by some guy Peter who wants to manage a rock band:

"Okay, so let's Rock!! I'm looking to manage a band and need the pieces to this puzzle in my mind. I have some songs, I need the rest...a vocalist, bassist, drummer, and a guitar player and whoever else may call. I want to make us the next big thing and I can do it, call me! The more influences the better. Call."

hmm dont know if i believe him but at least i will be doing something, instead of sitting around doing chem homework and feeling panicky whenever someone talks about a class that is actually putting them on the road to their dreams.

so sick of all this crap, would rather be a street performing bum than a doctor...

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