Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm having a Sam & Cindy moment from Freaks and Geeks. Remember, she doesn't like The Jerk, and so Sam breaks up with her?
So, Aaron and I were talking about how it's sad when favorite movies seem dated when you watch them now. His example was Heat, and my example was While You Were Sleeping (which I watched every night for a whole summer back in 6th grade.) And I happened to mention Bill Pullman in While You Were Sleeping. Which prompted Aaron to say, "May the Schwartz be with you!"
And then he went on to say that Spaceballs is the movie that Bill Pullman is most known for.
Which I disagree with.

So he has asked me to post a poll on the blog. (Which is pointless because I pretty much know who reads this blog, and who will answer what...) Besides, no one ever answers blog polls, because settling other people's arguments always seems so banal and useless.

In any case, here's the poll:

Who out there has seen Spaceballs, who liked it, and who thinks that it is the movie that Bill Pullman is most known for? In fact, who out there even knows who Bill Pullman is?
To me, Bill Pullman is most likely known for Independence Day, Mr. Wrong, or While You Were Sleeping.

And just to shock all the boys out there, I don't like Mel Brooks movies a whole lot!


Rachel said...

I saw Spaceballs but I didn't remember that Bill Pullman was in it. I also saw Independence Day but didn't remember he was in that one, either. But I'm kind of out of the loop when it comes to these things...I did know that he was in While You Were Sleeping and Mr. Wrong. I've watched While You Were Sleeping tons of times, so I kind of associate him with that...but actually, if you mentioned his name, I would probably first picture the finger-breaking scene in Mr. Wrong.

P.S. I'm moving into my new home today and I am a nervous wreck about it. Please send good vibes up my way.

P.P.S. Will wants to be invited to your wedding.

P.P.P.S. I'll give you a call soon.

Elissa said...

I had no idea he was in Spaceballs, even though I watched it nonstop as a kid. I remember him best in Independence Day. Now that you mention it, I can vaguely picture him in While You Were Sleeping. Mr. Wrong-didn't that have Ellen Degeneres in it? Did people actually watch that movie?? Ohhhh goodness, I miss my friends. What I wouldn't give to go have ice cream back at Baskin Robbins again. And even better- Rachel would have to pay, twice over in fact!

Monica said...

isnt bill pullman the guy who is supposed to be the han solo of spaceballs? but, i think of him and i think of while you were sleeping and sleepless in seattle.

spaceballs is boring. but i like the guy from honey i shrunk the kids as the darth vader guy.

Jennifer said...

Rachel-I totally cracked up thinking about the finger breaking scene in Mr. Wrong and now I'm craving to see that movie even though I didn't like it much when I saw it the first time.
I was just thinking about calling you and asking whether you ended up signing the lease or not...I guess you did.
I'll need Will's address if he's to be invited.

Elissa-Your answer was quite diplomatic bc you basically agreed with both of us at the same time. (that spaceballs is a good movie, but you don't remember b.p. in it). Is Spaceballs one of those movies you have to watch as a kid in order to enjoy (like Star Wars?)
I haven't seen it but I'm developing one of those contrary fits to it, because Aaron keeps saying how great it is, and therefore making me not want to ever see it.
Mr. Wrong did have Ellen in it, and Bill Pullman was totally in love with her.
Finally, I crave Baskin Robbins as well, I have to drive so far to get there in Dallas.

Monica-I suspect I might agree with you on Spaceballs. I saw about 45 mins. of Young Frankenstein, which is directed by the same guy, and fell asleep afterwards. Although I remember liking Robin Hood Men in Tights as a kid--you liked it even more than I did, if I remember correctly.

JENNIFER said...

i don't know who bill pulman is and i never saw spaceballs.

i never see movies. i just listen to the music in them.

but i felt that i needed to answer the poll so that you can confirm that i read your blog... eventhough i know you know, but just to make sure. :)

john said...

I believe Bill Pullman is most famous for his role in The Serpent and the Rainbow. It is his most memorable movie because a voodoo priest nails a spike through his man parts. It was a scene that makes you the viewer hurt.

mr. j said...

I am going to have to side with most every woman here and say that, while I've seen Spaceballs about 3-4 times - I always forget Bill Pullman is in it.

The only thing that sticks in my mind is that awful and cliched speech he gives in Independence Day.

also: Serpent and Rainbow = awful film.

My personal favourite Pullman moment is Brokedown PAlace. In which he plays a shady lawyer in Bangkok trying to get two girls (Kate Beckinsdale and Claire Danes) off of false drug charges. To see him try to speak Thai in a Thai courtroom is worth the entire film.