Yesterday, the Hispanic gay man at Chipotle hit on Aaron, right in front of me! I was appalled. And strangely jealous.
So here's how it went down:
About a week ago, Aaron went to go pick up burritos for the both of us, and some guacamole. He came home and told me that the Chipotle guy liked his belt. I didn't think much of it...
Then, last night, as Aaron was paying for his burrito, the guy remembered him. And just to get the picture right, this guy is probably 200 pounds or more, and tall. So the guy was like, "Ooh, that belt, I like it so much!" And Aaron was like, "Thanks" and smiled at him and walked to the soda machine to get his drink. The guy follows him over to the soda machine and stands really close to him (at this point, I'm ordering my burrito bol, and wondering whether I should be uncomfortable at how close this guy is standing to my man.) When I end up at the pay register, the guy lets me stand there for a good minute or so while he finishes saying to my boyfriend "You look good. You should be a model or something."
When we walked out of the door, I caught him checking out Aaron's ass. And I don't blame him, 'cause last night Aaron was wearing some really cute striped boxers.
It's hilarious, but wierd. I'm definitely disturbed.
Ok, updates on things I've said before (after all, we wouldn't want this blog to be like Lost, always setting up loose ends and leaving them)
1. I got a record player, but the one from the church didn't work. Aaron somehow got it to work with some screwdrivers and a christmas light (Don't ask me, he's a genius) But then the capacitor exploded. We went out to Radio Shack and bought a new capacitor and a soldering iron and installed a new one, thinking the old one was just too old, but after working for about 5 minutes, it exploded just like the last one. We're assuming that it was a dud record player, and that's why the church never used it. So if anyone out there knows about circuit boards, we could use some help. I have a circuit map for the player, but no knowledge of how to read it. But for now, I think I've taken it at a loss.
The second record player was also $25, and I got it from a guy who posted it on Craigslist.
2. I passed Cell Bio. (thank heavens)
3. Muse is also going to be at Edgefest, which is cool.
4. I'm on Spring Break. It's amazing. Yesterday, I sat outside in the backyard and read a whole book. It was The Education of Little Tree, which is now my favorite young adult lit. book ever. I remember reading as a kid, and I think it might be what caused all of my Native American self-identification.
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