Saturday, July 15, 2006

L.A. in a week!
For right now, I'm just keeping myself busy reading, etc. and playing checkers and chess with Aaron online. (I kick his ass in chess and he kicks mine in checkers...)
I've gotten through some more of the BBC reading list, so that is updated...and then, perhaps I will start on the reading list that my concert-buddy John suggested.

I'm still going through Rancid withdrawals, and as a result I am listening to them as I go to sleep lately.

Things to do before leaving for L.A.:
re-dye hair
and...other things that i should not mention except under the category of "general primping"


Anonymous said...

General Primping... hmmm... If I had to guess it might mean you were going to shave your... Get your mind our of the gutter. ;-) Anyway I cant wait until you arrive.


Jennifer said...

Seriously! get your mind out of the gutter, i just wanted to spare my adoring audience the image of me waxing my sasquatch legs. (serves you right! now you get to imagine it!)