Sunday, March 12, 2006

so, I never did make it down to campus on my bike Thursday--Rachel called feeling like a "coke in East Austin" from some convenience store, so we started there with cokes in glass bottles, and then found this plant store (probably the only rich-white plant store in east austin...and it was barely across the highway.)
At the store, I saw a mini-vulture, a cat that hid amongst the plants, and a very calm dog with the softest fur I've ever felt on a dog.
I ended up buying thyme, mother of thyme, and a plant with little white flowers that I don't remember the name of. And Rachel got some succulents.
Then, we went looking for a home depot close to campus, and ended up after a long debate at the one on NI-35. We got pots and dirt, and then went back to Rachel's co-op to plant them. Lately, the days have felt like the beginning of summer, and it was nice and nostalgic sitting outside planting.

On Friday, I made up for the biking thing by bringing my bike with me to work and then parking in West Campus and riding downtown to meet Michael T. for sushi at Kyoto, which was fun despite the fact I was worried about someone jacking my bike the whole time.
Then I biked over to Emo's to see if Dropkick Murphy's were still sold out, and obviously they were, and as I didn't feel like waiting around to see if I could weasel my way in, I rode back to Rachel's house. At which point I gluttonously decided to go with them to a Mexican restaurant even though I had just eaten. I had a margarita. It was delicious. And I also had a continuous stream of chips.
On the way back to the co-op to drop some people off, we stopped at a convenience store, where I met a guy with a cute little brindle pit bull puppy and he offered to get one for me just to "get 'em away from those rednecks." Sadly, I had to decline. But his puppy was sooooo cute. When I put my hand out to pet her, she would just lean her head on it, like "I'm too little, and my head is soo heavy."
Then I went home and watched Ronin on the phone with Aaron.

Now it's Sunday, and all I've done all weekend is watch movies, sleep, and play GTA. And now I'm going to have some grilled cheese and Ramen. yum.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am now part of this whole blogger thingy...seems like it might be better than livejournal.
And I've been craving Ramen now... mmm...chicken flavor, oriental flavor, mmm mmm good.