Thursday, March 23, 2006

Yesterday I did the walk of shame through Walmart holding a toilet plunger. The only good thing about it was the thought of giving the guys giving me shady looks on my way to the plunger section something to really think about.
Now my whole house smells like rubber. That distinct smell of plunger rubber.

Anyways, my toilet is now sparkling clean.
See what you blog readers get? A true description of all the unnecessary details about my life. Nothing withheld.

The other day I told Aaron that I loved Froot Loops. And he said, "You and the Taliban."
I really liked that.

My job and the people at my job only serve as reminders of how terrible I am at making conversation. Everytime I sit down with a big group of people, I never end up saying much. Merde. Someday I will find my niche. Perhaps with a group of deaf-mutes. At least then I will be the most talkative one in the bunch. Oh how wonderful that would be. Although even then, their hands would probably be signaling a mile a minute. And I would just sit there, still.

Gerbils--lame pet? Too bad. Aaron is naming his Billy Idol, and I have not figured out a name for mine yet.

1 comment:

Lisa said... 80s name. I love Billy Idol and unfortunately I am not kidding. Maybe you should match with another 80s name. Hmmm...Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Tiffany, Journey, Devo,or how bout Wham or Taco...I could go on and on.