Monday, December 19, 2005
Battery acid leaked all over my mag lite, and it stopped working--I tried everything, even scraping at it for hours with a toothbrush. But Aaron suggested Coke a couple of weeks ago and tonight I finally got around to it, and it worked! Whee.
I have watched so many crappy movies this past week: (from most suck to least suck)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Robot Stories
Amityville Horror (the original...that's not to say the latest one wasn't just as bad.)
BUT I plan on seeing quite a number of (perhaps) good movies the coming week, when Aaron comes. Including King Kong (avec les dinosaurs!! yipee), Brokeback Mountain, and Fun with Dick and Jane.
Aaron is coming in a week. yipee yipee yipee.
Wanted: skateboard. laptop. I am an expensive girl.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Pretty lame day today...finished the script, though, so that's good.
I have now gotten not only an "ouch" on one of my papers back from my thesis prof., but also a "yuck"--I wonder whether that translates to a C, an F, or just a plain, "You're retarded."
I think I'd rather the last, it's at least worth a laugh.
After picking that paper up, I angrily appropriated a donut from a box sitting open on a table outside the prof.'s office, which I knew perfectly well was _not_ meant for me.
Thursday, December 8, 2005
So. Yesterday, I woke up, went in to work for the last time till January, and I got to edit the table of contents of a textbook that we're publishing, with real editing symbols and everything.
Then I went to class, and listened to some presentations, fully expecting to have to spend the rest of the day in Spanish lab and class. So I got out of class, and looked around in my backpack for a wallet, a student id, anything of worthy exchange value so that I could get some lunch. But I didn't have any. I decided to walk to my car and go home to pick up my wallet, which I deduced was in my jacket pocket from the last time I went out with Elissa and I had a fried chicken craving...
But then I looked at my cell, and saw that Rachel had called. I called her back, and, miracle of miracles, she told me school was cancelled for bad weather!!
This is more amazing than usual, because I had a screenplay due today which I was less than done with. much less than done with.
Anyways, the rest of the day was spent at Austin Java, with Elissa and Rachel, which had awesome winter atmosphere. I had peppermint cocoa, which comes with a little christmas peppermint stick stuck in it, and we sat at a corner table and studied and talked all afternoon till 8:00 pm. Seriously, inside that coffeeshop, I felt like I was back in the 1800s England, with winter snow outside, and any minute, Ebenezer Scrooge would walk in and say, "Merry Christmas to one and all!"
The fact that I was working on my screenplay which takes place in (sort of)that time period probably helped too.
Anyways, then we went outside, I screamed like a little girl when I almost slipped off an icy curb I tried to balance on, and we used the heater and credit cards to de-ice the car windows as much as possible.
The wierd thing is, I remember as a little kid watching my dad do this a lot during the winters, but lately, like in the past few years, I don't think it's ever happened. talk about global warming.
So we dropped Rachel off, and the drove slowly home down Congress, which was all lit up with Christmas lights.
And then this morning, I found out class is cancelled today as well, and I have an extension on the screenplay which is still...less than done.
Anyways...on to Houston. I have to go.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This should be the title of the story of my life. Today I went to talk to my thesis class professor and I was so bad at talking, I think she actually started thinking that I have some sort of speech (/mental) disorder. Which actually made me feel a little better about it all, strangely.
Maybe I should go get medically tested and have myself officially declared with either a speech and/or mental impediment. You know, one of those things which, like a learning disorder, doesn't quite mean you're stupid...perhaps some sort of "social ineptitis"
Then when I'm feeling awkward I can just flash my card and say, "See?! I'm medically allowed to be this way." Thus, ironically, dispelling the awkwardness by using a charming mix of self-awareness, deprecation, and humor.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I had great fun over thanksgiving, getting to see Aaron and getting to hang out with PEOPLE again. But the contrast between then and now is...unacceptable.
If I could only have a worry-free day, though, I would be contented to wait till Christmas for my life to start up again. (I know this time was supposed to get me used to fending for myself, etc., but really? I can fend for myself, I'm doing it fine, and I just want some fun now.)
Madame Enos once said that her 40s were her best years--she felt comfortable in her skin, and everything was good.
So I can't wait till I feel that way, even if it necessitates developing some wrinkles and a few gray hairs.
Though until then, I will have fun being my awkward self.
Tuesday-- Went into work in the afternoon after meeting with my 18th century Aphra Behn prof (who is the epitome of how I want to be when I am that age...but I'll never achieve that bc I'm nowhere as funny and...English.) Survived on about 2 hours of sleep all day. Went out after work to get automatic feeder for fish as I was not prepared to carry the aquarium down the stairs. Almost keeled over having to pack up the car anyway. Don't know how I got home, but I ended up there eventually.
Wednesday--This is actually a continuation of Tuesday, seeing as I got into bed and proceeded to talk to my sister till I had to get up at 4 am, take a shower, and pick up Aaron at the airport. Became a wanderer for the day, went to Aaron's house to sleep for a bit, then Jimmy's house where we all played some music, and reconsidered the categorization of Jimmy’s DVD collection, and then to Jared's house, where there was a huge crowd of people.
Thursday--hung out at the house, watched quite a number of mediocre movies with my cousins. chilled.
Friday--drove up to Austin with Aaron for the day. Had Dog Almighty for the first time in months. Delicious. Then when we got home, we took my sister to a midnight showing of Walk the Line. Good movie. I'm obsessed, and I will buy it. Then IHOP, then home, around 3 am.
Saturday--Galleria with Aaron and my sister and her bf Khriiiiiiiis. Seriously, that's how he spells his name. He fails all his tests bc he doesn't finish writing his name before the bell rings.
Then, dropped the kids off and went to Harry Potter with Aaron. High point: mini dragons. Then, went home with Aaron and gave him a haircut in his garage. At this point, he was falling asleep while I cut his hair.
Sunday--Arboretum and lunch with his parents. Then I went home and crashed for a few hours before I had to drive back to Austin.
Ok, well, missed a few things in there, but inshort, or innotsoshort, that was my Thanksgiving. Pretty awesome, and I'm still recovering.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Anyways, one thing led to another (mostly due to the fact that I discovered Grand Theft Auto and a playstation at Elissa's apartment--oh sweet nectar of Rockstar Game Corporation) and we ended up at Elissa's apartment eating delicious salsa a la Aaron Ballman and queso, scrounging up 3-D glasses, and watching a semi-cheesy and yet intriguing tv show. It was nice. And I might as well do this now--a blanket apology for that time a couple years ago, when I put down an ex-bf of a friend. I'm a vain bitch, I know. But it was a long time ago, so no more ganging-up-ons anymore, ok?
Anyways, damn. Having not got any hw done today, I might very well be staying up late tonight.
I have been having identity issues. Sometimes I fear I need a major personality makeover, but apparently I have nothing but the makeup artist from the Devil's Rejects at hand. A ridiculously gory and disturbing movie, by the way--you know Rob Zombie's done his job right when you feel a distinct vomit-like pressure right under your breastbone all the way through the movie. And I have seen quite a few gruesome horror movies.
I will see Aaron in 31 hours--eek! life is good.
"god it's good to be alive
i'm torn in pieces
i'm blind and waiting for...
my heart is reeling
i'm blind and waiting for you"
-goo goo dolls, big machine
I'm thinking about pinstriped converse next.
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
But I ended up talking to this girl from class who apparently feels the same way (though perhaps less angry...) and by the time I got back to the IV I was almost chill enough to tolerate the Jack Johnson that it had shuffled to...almost.
Pin from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs always makes me want to do a wild Indian dance. Ok. Native American. At least I didn't way "wild Injun dance."
Me and Elissa had a fun time last night returning a video, and illegally buying a kid's meal at Schlotsky's. Hey I take what I can get fun-wise when I barely have time to sit down when I take a... well I'll leave that to your imagination.
I think I'm starting to get an ulcer thinking about all the things I have to do and all the things that could go wrong.
In any case, I really shouldn't let anything get to me at all. Seeing as I get to see Aaron in two weeks!
"...cause someone's coming home"
-the john and the mayer.
Monday, October 31, 2005
This year Halloween disguised itself as a very unfun, stress-filled holiday. It did a great job, and almost made me cry in the process.
Congratulations, Halloween. try not to work so hard on your costume next year.
like how I bookmarked this day by saving a post-draft? bc Halloween cannot be unacknowledged on this blog!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
I finally broke out the hoodie today. My winter hoodie that has supernatural powers to keep me happy and chilled out (but not cold) for the next 4 or 5 months. Yeah I made it myself.
If the weather stays like this for the rest of winter, with a few rainy gray days scattered throughout, it will be perfecto.
Went shopping with Rachel all day yesterday, and dropped a hefty $200 on some "editor" pants and a blazer that makes me look like Scully. Not bad as far as suits go, but...I would've rather bought a nice little playstation 2 and grand theft auto. I am so in the mood to play that these days.
All of a sudden I feel twelve again. Which is ok.
Whee...somebody talk to me please--I feel full of energy and conversation and I will soon burst.
"I got soul but I'm not a soldier"
oh and Aaron--
You are so my flavor.
Friday, October 14, 2005
I found out my mcat scores today, and finally, feel repaid for all those hours sitting at my desk this summer--35. So maybe this time next year me and Aaron will be hanging out in LA somewhere...getting our Halloween costumes ready.
They were sure I was guilty, but I committed no crime
They said: confessions bring lenience, so that put me on the line
So I protest the massacres at the Tianenmen Square
My friends say 'yo, stay away man, you better not go fucking back there'
Watch this
One night I might write about my opinions about the state
And the freedom of expression they would never tolerate
And the military secrets that I never did steal
I didn't start no violence, no, and there was nobody that I killed
So I had a clear account of all abusers of power
And the memories of homeland all gone sour
And I only got one weapon, its so plain for me to see
My only weapon I call poetry
And I dont even know why
The truth seems like a lie
In my cell there is no sky
When I was arrested in Shanghai
Now, in a world of privilege I was not born
But the devotion of freedom and liberty I was sworn
So every emotion is studied, watched their control
Who gets paid, who gets disciplined, who gets born
So, transmitting beams my coordinates, anywhere on Earth
And, as radio waves, surveillance, satellite bursts
Open up your skull and let some knowledge come in
Yeah, crack open the cranium and let awareness begin
And I don't even know why
The truth seems like a lie
In my cell there is no sky
When I was arrested in Shanghai" --Rancid
Hell yeah.
Thursday, October 6, 2005
The last time we were having this weather, me and Aaron were driving around to different thrift stores for our Halloween costumes. And now winter's come back but Aaron's still away.
It makes me feel only a little better that this might very well be the last winter we spend apart. Those of you who've known me since high school know the importance of winter, and otherwise, this post doesn't make much sense.
In any case, on the bright side, with the weather getting cooler, I can break out the hoodie and start riding my bike to school. Man, I miss riding my bike.
"When autumn comes, it doesn't ask
it just walks in where it left you last
You never know when it starts,
until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart"
--John Mayer
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
I have an English class that just drives me insane. It's supposed to be this thesis class, but it's descended into talking about all these abstract/political/philosophical things, and there's this one guy in there who always has something to say. In the most complicated, convoluted way possible. Instead of just directly saying what he wants to say, he has to bring in all these "intelligent" allusions to different theories that he apparently spends all his time reading. It's just difficult to watch--every word takes so much thought for him, and in the end, I have no idea what he's said. But maybe that's just cause I'm retarded.
In any case, today we were talking about feminism, etc. and ironically, it was my absolute apathy on the subject that made me uncomfortable. I mean, show me a guy who doesn't take me seriously for the mere fact that I'm a girl and I will happily go kick him in the shins, but I don't see the point in purposely going out to look for slights against all womankind in general, just so we can get all worked up about it and then, in a childish attempt to make things "even," exclude men as much as men have excluded women in the past.
On a completely unrelated subject, I was reading someone else's blog, which was about intelligent design, which got me thinking about it. I actually had heard about it a few weeks ago, and went to their website looking for a statement of their thesis so that I could decide if I was for it or against it, but couldn't find anything. I mean, I was inclined to give it a chance, seeing as I've always had this tension between being religious and yet learning about all this evolution stuff in classes that everyone is so adamant about. But the closest thing that even resembled a thesis on their website was just a bunch of double-speak that attempted to confuse people into thinking there was some merit to it.
And the real point is, why are they trying to get it into schools? I mean, if it were a valid scientific theory, by all means, it should be taught. But if it's just meant to combat the theory of evolution so that kids will be more likely to believe in God, it just seems like a shortcut for people who don't want to take the time to educate their kids at home (as it should be) about God and religion. So that's what I think. And it's not like there's no way to reconcile religion and evolution--I believe most of the scientific evidence about evolution, and I see it as a manifestation of God's work.
Anyways, I've been thinking about this a lot and done some research on it, and this is what I found:
The Miller Experiment, which I had always considered pretty much the most concrete proof of the possibility of evolution, apparently is compromised because now scientists are thinking that the atmosphere of primordial earth was not as much of a reducing environment as they had thought in the 1950s, when the experiment took place.
Which isn't necessarily a big deal, because to me, the fact that amino acids independently appeared in the experiment of their own accord seems pretty amazing and indicative that it's possible anyway.
Ok and finally. Yes, I have voted Republican in the past, and depending on circumstances, I would do it again. Not necessarily because of what's going on now--but what might go on later. Cause you got to think of your own, and seriously? If China bombed Taiwan, the Democrats would probably tilt their heads, sit back in their chairs, and say, "So...I hope this won't affect China's production rates."
"Let's bounce, rock, skate man, I'm ready to roll" --Rancid
Monday, October 3, 2005
1 Fiance in a faraway place
2 movies rented, synchronized, and watched with said fiance over
----->The Virgin Suicides
----->Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
1 new favorite movie added to top 5
-----> 1. Garden State
-----> 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-----> 3. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
-----> 4. Vanilla Sky
-----> 5. Bridget Jones Diary I
1 NEW! pink ipod, inscribed
3 songs bought from itunes, later reformatted to be unprotected mp3's to
celebrate said ipod
----->Something to Talk About, Badly Drawn Boy
----->Red Sweater, Aquabats
----->Hello Tomorrow, Karen O.
1 paper to finish by tomorrow; 0.5% done
1 Chipotle burrito bol consumed
3 nickels coaxed out of me from homeless man outside of chipotle, while
still under the influence of crack in burrito rice
1 demeaning remark from homeless man
1 fantasy about flinging a cup of soda at said homeless man
1 random conversation with guy outside of english class
2 jealous pangs, one for each of the awesome rockers this guy has met:
----->Tim Armstrong
----->Mat Skiba
1 anonymous Reese's peanut butter cup left at my desk at work while I wasn't looking
1 Reese's peanut butter cup unwrapped and then thrown away for fear of being poisoned
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
So I never did say explicitly that I got that job, but I did, and have been going for a couple of weeks now. It's pretty cool, I feel useful...and I already have an archnemesis. Yeah, sort of, because there's this other intern that goes on the days that I don't, and I get the feeling she works like a speed demon. Which is quite intimidating, this random entity finishing up tasks when I can't finish them before the next day. But I've done the same for her...sometimes, so it's alright--it's just fun to have an archnemesis. She's in good company with Jay Leno. but that's another story.
And here's my new, revised (hopefully permanent) thesis topic, more detailed than in my last post--"Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot in relation to Bram Stoker's Dracula, and where that puts Stephen King in the realm of Gothic literature."
Pretty cool, right?
And! an update on the pet situation. Kennedy (a.k.a. Mousie-poo) is doing good, marking his territory (my arm) a lot LOT. On the bright side, Eek (my danio fish) seems to be in remission from his wierd, bacterial/then fungal fish disease, though he is still on a strict regimen of Pima Fix and Melafix. For a while I thought that was it for poor Eek, but he seems to be getting better so that would be really cool.
Wow that was a long post--in other words...
"I [was] disposed to be gregarious and communicative to-night" (or this afternoon)
Name the book reference and you get ten points.
I feel really odd lately, maybe it's lack of sleep. This post sounds like it's on speed.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
But man, if there's anything I'm in lack of these days (other than Aaron, who makes an easy number 1 on that list) it's sleep.
Although up until two days ago, it would've been a thesis advisor. My creative writing prof decided not to be my advisor anymore, so now I'm doing a critical thesis--Stephen King in comparison to (more respected) American/Southern Gothic writers i.e. Faulkner, H.P. Lovecraft, or Poe and why that makes him a good writer. And deserving to be studied in schools. Ha, yeah that last part was just a little Jennifer-propaganda.
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Well, not officially yet but I just called them and they said they were trying to get paperwork approved. So that means yes, right?
Anyways, I have just finished two days of classes and the most arduous task I have dealt with is finding PARKING! And it is so bad, I have no energy for anything else. I conserve my energy during classes by dozing and eating snacks, recuperating from the ordeal and gearing up for the upward trek back to the car.
Now I'm going to go consume the biggest crack pipe that exists...or in other words, eat a Chipotle burrito.
Number of Required Summer Reading Books Finished: 0
Number of Crap Books That I Have Read For Fun Since Classes Have Started: 2
By the way...
I been thinkin' 'bout my doorbell.
when you gonna ring it
So what are ya'll's (wow that's a texan word) interpretation of that song? I can't get it out of my head, and I have a stinky little interpretation of what he means by doorbell, that I arrived at after Aaron insisted that Jack White does not, indeed, mean his literal doorbell on his door.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Anyways, MCATs are in a week, and after that, Aaron's going to be here, and I want to go to Barton Springs and get sunburnt and sweaty.
Friday, July 29, 2005
1. Interviewed for a job I pretty much knew I wouldn't get at a vet clinic. But I'm sorta glad I didn't get it bc now, thinking back on it, I do not feel like shoveling poo for minimum wage.
2. Went on the trip that was most likely the reason I didn't get the job: Taiwan, which was super hot and humid and I was sticky the entire time I was there, even two seconds after a shower. But it was fun hanging out with my cousins and my cousin's kids. Not fun: staying in the same room for two weeks with my mom and sister, and sleeping in the same place. ugh.
3. Stopped for the weekend in LA to see Aaron, and we all went to Universal Studios, and to visit USC for my sister, and Muscle Beach and the boardwalk, and Hollywood Blvd. And then Sunday night me and Aaron went to see War of the Worlds
4. Went to Austin to sign the lease for my new apartment. I move in Monday! eek.
5. Shopped at Ikea and Target for various things for the apartment. I bought a desk last night, and am going to buy a futon soon.
6. Studied constantly for the MCATS in hopes of being able to get out of TX for a couple of years.
Well, signing off.
Watch out for's a fetus eat fetus world out there*.
and also
*phrase coined from my sister.
Friday, June 3, 2005
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
"I'll be alright / But I, I need you close / Please stay tonight / As long as you're here / Just stay near / We'll be alright, yeah alright"
So the song has now been reinstated as the most romantic rock song ever made.
And it's sort of just in time, seeing as me and Aaron are starting the long-distance thing again--he's going to L.A. for an internship with Warner Brothers, and I'm staying in Austin, getting an apartment and finishing off my last year at UT.
Jennifer's Room Next Year at her New Apartment:

Ten things I'm going to have at the apt:
1. Aaron's bed to sleep in
2. A new boxer puppy/dog
3. Foamy hand soap
4. A towel next to the bathroom sink and matches next to the toilet to remind me of Jimmy and Aaron's place
5. Posters: my Phish poster (not bc I like the band, but bc I like the picture), my NY Poet's Walk picture, and maybe, just maybe that black and white poster of the two girls wearing white tank tops and underwear...I'm not sure.
6. Ingredients for grilled cheese sandwiches
7. The Pottery Barn cereal bowls (easily the most barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen items I own, and I love's funny but if you go back about a year or six months in the blog, I talk about wanting these bowls, and I did finally get them as a present from Aaron)
8. My make-up and other various girl things in pie tins like I had them for most of last semester in the dorms
9. My desk from when I was a little kid
10. The astronaut (or shall I say cosmonaut--after all the guy looks a little Russian) pez dispenser magnet I stole from a random locker in the Communications building one late night painting sets at the studios.
Alright, I'm signing off... but first,
Books I've read:
1. Afternoon of the Elves by Janet Taylor Lisle
2. Insomnia by Stephen King
And also, Happy 24th, Aaron...5 years and 11 months. I love you. ;-*
Haha sorry you other people who I'm sure are cringing in protest of this public display of affection.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Anyways, I guess it's just one of those things. It's probably that neither of us talks a whole lot. But if I were so upset with my living conditions I'd at least talk to my roommate about it before just leaving without even packing up my stuff... : ( Seriously, I am totally socially inept.
I want to live in the O.C. I want a soundtrack this cool to apply to my life.
Instead, I spent the weekend playing Grand Theft Auto and eating high priced unworthy food at some restaurant that apparently only frat boys, sorority girls, and young professionals frequent. And wishing it were already next semester so that I would already have the perfect boxer puppy adopted from the local shelter to chill with.
Yeah, lately I've felt pretty dissatisfied with everything, it's all this indie rock that's making it worse, making me want something more than a simple day...
"I am an American aquarium drinker
I assasin down the avenue
I'm hiding out in the big city blinking
What was I thinking when I let go of you
Let's forget about the tongue-tied lightning
Let's undress just like cross-eyed strangers
This is not a joke so please stop smiling
What was I thinking when I said it didn't hurt...
I always thought that if I held you tightly
You'd always love me like you did back then
Then I fell asleep and the city kept blinking
What was I thinking when I let you back in
I am trying to break your heart
I am trying to break your heart
But still I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy
I am trying to break your heart"
See what I mean? Who wouldn't be terribly depressed and sad who listened to this? I think I will go lie in bed and contemplate my existence. ha.
Monday, April 4, 2005
That said, there's this other guy in my SPN class who's already fallen off the deep end (and if he hasn't I will personally kick him off.) Two days ago he walks into class, and says, "hey Jennifer, look what happened." He lifts up his pant leg, revealing a bloody mess haphazardly covered up by a bandaid. I was like, "Man, what happened, did you fall?" And he was like, I just can't stop falling for you, Jennifer." argh. The backstory to this whole thing invoves a bad car accident that apparently scrambled his brains...but I've observed this guy and he's just a douchebag. Hell, two minutes later he was telling me to take his fiance (who is coming in from Vietnam and is only 86 pounds as he has told us repeatedly) shopping and to tell her that American girls don't wear clothes to sleep. Like his poor underweight fiance should have to deal with a guy like him in addition to the communism of her 3rd world country...I mean, this is the same guy that told us it's ok that he cheats because he only cheats with girls who aren't Asian, because then it doesn't count.
Friday, April 1, 2005
Then, we saw a baby possum just paused at a corner, almost hidden, with its triangular head and round eyes looking at us. And when we took too much notice of it, it scurried away so fast on its little legs. Its body was probably only about 5 inches long, and it was probably going out for its first scavenge of the night...
Anyways, so we went to Wendy's, and then when we came out, I found this Texas Revue cup hanging on the edge of this wooden fence on the main mall, like it was waiting for me--the backstory of this cup is that during the day when I was walking across West Mall to get to my class, someone was holding out free cups, and I had regretted not getting one. And then here's the exact cup, sitting there in front of me. Then, as we went on our way towards home, there's the baby possum again. It even stayed around long enough (disappearing and resurfacing from the bushes) for Aaron to run home and get his camera and some tortilla chips to feed it. It wouldn't come close enough, though, to get the chips, so we just left piles out for it to find. We snapped some photos, but they might not come out because it was dark and the possum was so little.
Anyways, pretty surreal night, right?
Ok, so I've been thinking about what to write here for a couple of days now...I've even written a draft. But the real subject I've been trying to get to in some roundabout way, is my trip down to San Antonio last weekend (Easter weekend). Me and Aaron drove down there on Friday, stopping in some town on the way to eat at Whataburger, where we both had our first taste of soda in 40 days. yum.
After we finally found our way off the highway and onto the narrow dirty streets of some San Antonio ghetto, we somehow found our way downtown without too much trouble. We parked on the corner of St. Mary's and Nueva for five dollars, which turned out to be a few blocks from the Alamo, and more importantly, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, which was the real reason we were there. (The parking in downtown was like, 5 dollars for 30 minutes, bc San Antonians are not used to walking their asses up two blocks...) It was a cool feeling though, because it seemed like we walked from the ghetto, where we were a little afraid of our things getting jacked, and into a really nice, festival-like atmosphere (with the help of a bus route map.)
Downtown was really colorful and crowded, probably because it was Easter weekend... We ended up going to Madame Tousseau's House of Wax, and Ripley's Believe It Or Not for the low price of $20 a person. The house of wax was pretty run of the mill until we got to the haunted house portion of it--I refused to go in until some people went in before us, and I made Aaron follow close behind them, because I felt safer in a crowd... The group of people we followed were Hispanic (and probably Mexican, I forgot to mention before that when we stopped at Whataburger, it was near an outlet mall, and there was an inordinate amount of cars in the outlet mall parking lot with Mexico license plates. It was actually sort of freaky how many there were.) Anyways, so there was this display in the haunted house thing of the Chupacabra, and although the people in front of us acted scared at everything else, at this display, they pointed and laughed at the white man's implementation of the Chupacabra.
At Ripley's, we saw a shrunken head, etc. It was really cool, probably the closest thing I can get to a freak show nowadays...which I know is not politically correct, but really, all I want to see are some freaks of nature. Is that too much to ask??
After this, we walked the Riverwalk, which was really beautiful, surrounded on both sides by high stone walls and fancy restaurants. We also went to the mall for a few minutes (where I looked for that store where all the boys on the orchestra trip bought illegal butterfly knives, Elissa, but it wasn't there anymore).
Then we couldn't decide what to eat for dinner, and went into a Pizza Hut so Aaron could try the new dipping pizza but they didn't have it so we left, and ended up going to a McDonald's around the corner which I had noticed before, because it looked so old-timey and unlike regular McDonald's. What they gained in aesthetics, though, they lost in food quality and the fact that they were so stingy with their restroom facilities (each person had to pick up a token when they bought food. And trust me, the bathrooms weren't worth it. ugh.)
By this time, it was getting near dusk, and we still wanted to go to the drive in movie theater, Mission 4, but we didn't know how to get there. But then, we see this woman wearing a shirt/apron that said Information, and she saved the day by telling us to go straight down St. Mary's (the street we had parked on) and we couldn't miss it. "Bring some brewskys and have a great night!" She was great. And also she assumed that we had a hotel, which felt really cool to me for some reason...I guess it made me feel grown up.
Well, we didn't bring brewskys but we did stop by a convenience store to buy some Famous Amos Cookies and potato chips and a coke.
The drive in was awesome. After a few false starts with not knowing what times each movie was, and which screens we wanted to see, we ended up at Hitch/Guess Who, with the Cr-V backed into the space. We folded down the backseat and had a ton of room to just chill in the trunk, with the back window hinged open to the night air.
After the movie, I drove home halfway until I was so sleepy it was getting dangerous, and then switched drivers at the side of the road where it was so dark the scenery faded into black ten feet from the car. We got home around 1 am, and it was the most chill, worry-free day I can remember ever. At least since high school anyway.
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Here's something that's pissed me off lately--I bought my mini Ipod about three months ago, and they just came out with the new ones, $50 dollars cheaper and with 10 extra hours of battery life. I could take one, or I could take the other. But both combined??? I don't think so. Dammit. I still like my color better, though, definitely more subtle and low-key.
I have big plans for this weekend--of playing Grand Theft Auto until my eyeballs pop out, and attaching myself to Aaron like a parasite. haha. Except for that two hour gap tomorrow for which I've made a hair salon I feel like I'm in the 50's. Yeah, but there's cheapness and urbanity in it in the end, bc I'm only doing it for the two for one deal they have at that expensive place on the drag, and Rachel said she needed a haircut too.
So on that draft post that I didn't like--I mentioned the party I went to with Rachel at her Coop two weekends ago, and the Ska Is Dead show I went to with Aaron last Saturday. It was at the Flamingo Cantina, which seems like a possible candidate for a gay bar, I know, but inside it is actually dim, sparse, and run-down, just the way any self-respecting punk bar should be. Ha. All irony aside, the place was pretty cool, with a "habitat" for its pink lawn flamingos on top of the canopy above the bar. The bands (esp. Streetlight Manifesto and the Murdochs--who got flack for not being ska enough) were pretty good, but I gotta say, I don't see the intrigue behind the Voodoo Glow Skulls... Some of the people there for the show were the most pretentious I'd seen for a while though...minute impressions: girl with bad posture in one of those Dickie's girls dresses, with her hair put up like sailor moon, who was there with two guys dressed in those derby hats and suits, one obviously her bf and the other her bf's best friend, who ended up dancing by herself at the side of the stage while her boyfriend and his friend flaunted their ska-dom and "dancing" skills in the "mosh" pit. also, chubby dude with a continuous goofy expression on his face also wearing a derby hat and fancy ska duds who I think might have been one of the opening band guys, dancing around like he's awesome and rubbing his back sweat on my arms. ugh. ok last one-chubby asian girl, the kind of girl who likes to be "just one of the guys" but secretly fantasizes about all her guy "friends" fantasizing about her and her awesome buddy status at any given second, dancing and jumping around like a loon, and basically being more of a liability in the pit than anything else. Clammy arm sweat that brushed up against me. Hey don't get me wrong, I don't mind getting sweaty at a concert with the transferred sweat of a thousand other people, but I'd like to feel some sort of comaraderie with them before I enter into that kind of relationship...and these people sucked.
Alright, more later, I'm going to be late for class.
Monday, February 28, 2005
To do list:
1. Must finish Short Story!!! (due last Friday...ha I'm pulling a Rachel.)
2. Get haircut.
So...I've had a pretty good two weekends, with the weeks in between going by as fast as possible, which is as much "good" as I can attribute to them. Last weekend, I went to see my first NC-17 movie, La Mala Educacion (yeah i just checked Rachel's blog for the spelling of that). And I can definitively say that I will never again look upon Gael Garcia Bernal in the same way again.
After that, went to a party at Rachel's Coop. (There could be a lot of description here, but the time for that has passed.) Let's just punch, keg beer, dancing, and...Rachel has the latino tang. good enough? also random asian guys vaguely looking down on my drinking habits and asking whether I normally hang out with Asians. More on this later. If you know me, you know what kind of rant will ensue.
When I got out of class on Friday of this weekend, me and Aaron went to Dog Almighty.
(Which is this awesome hand-dipped corndog, hot dogs, chili, Frito pie place which is also vegetarian if you want it to have to go if you're within a 100 mile radius of Austin. It's at 6701 Burnet Road, at the "Historic Farmer's Market.)
A frito pie and two games of foosball later, I ended up playing 3 hours straight of Grand Theft Auto while Aaron fell asleep on the couch next to me.
Saturday, my parents came up, and my sister ended up getting a mini ipod with my student discount. Then at night me and Aaron went to the Ska is Dead concert at the Flamingo Cantina. The night was freezing, the music was loud, the people were ska-tentious, and I got a new shirt.
Friday, February 18, 2005
2/12/05 Chilled with Aaron most of the day, was supposed to study but took a 2.5 hour nap instead with him on his creaky futon. Then cram-studied physics while he went to get groceries for our Valentine's Day substitute feast. Made heart-shaped brownies and played Grand Theft Auto San Andreas like an amateur for hours. (Note: I finally got laid by my ghetto-ass girlfriend today...if any of you play, you know what I'm talkin' bout...that bitch is nasty!!)
2/13/05 Studied physics, then had an indecision-fest with Aaron and Jimmy which ended up with us at Chili's at 10 o' clock at night.
2/18/05 (I'm skipping a few days to prevent your boredom) Ate at Chili's again with Aaron to make up for the last time, where me and Jimmy convinced him he wanted country fried steak instead of what he really wanted, cajun chicken pasta. Then went to Umi's Sushi Bar to have dessert. Urg. My stomach still hurts from over-fulldom.
Watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, which was an awesome movie, even better than Willow, though similar in genre. I'm feeling like seeing Willow again. That's one of the things I'll always remember Julia Mosele for, she showed Willow in French class, which was the first time I'd ever seen it.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Tuesday, February 8, 2005
I've been obsessed with my "The Early Years: 1996-1998" soundtrack lately. I was working on compiling all these songs and making them into a cd, except now it's gotten out of control, and will probably end up being a 3-volume cd set... so have patience Elissa, your copy is coming.
Here are the songs I have so far:
- Backwater, The Meat Puppets
- Buddy Holly, Weezer
- Mighty K.C., For Squirrels
- What's the Frequency, Kenneth?, R.E.M.
- Far Behind, Candlebox
- Lump, Presidents of the U.S.A.
- Kitty, Presidents of the U.S.A.
- Peaches, Presidents of the U.S.A.
- Friends of P., The Rentals
- Undone (The Sweater Song), Weezer
- Say it Ain't So, Weezer
- Mother, Mother, Tracey Bonham
- Cumbersome, 7 Mary 3
- everything zen, Bush
- Glycerine, Bush
- Comedown, Bush
- Dumb, Nirvana
- Lake of Fire, Nirvana
- Man Who Sold the World, Nirvana
- Hook, Blues Traveler
- One Week, Barenaked Ladies (this one's purely for Elissa)
- Greedy Fly, Bush
- Yellow Ledbetter, Pearl Jam
- Fell On Black Days, Soundgarden
- Sick of Myself, Matthew Sweet
- Banditos, The Replacements
- I Hate My Generation, Cracker
- In the Meantime, Spacehog
- The Freshman, The Verve Pipe
- Interstate Love Song, Stone Temple Pilots
- Love Roller Coaster, Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Trigger Happy Jack, Poe
- Today, Smashing Pumpkins
- Perfect, Smashing Pumpkins
- The Sweetest Thing, U2
- King of the Kerb, Echobelly
- Somebody's Crying, Chris Isaak
I still have to put all of these in sequential order, and I'm also sure I'm missing a bunch. It's not going to be the most complete inventory of songs, but the songs I decide on will define my youth. ha. well.
Oh wait, and then there's that wierd kick I went on with Rachel in 7th grade--infatuation music. More specifically, Nathan Cornett infatuation music.
- Strawberry Wine, Deana Carter
- When You Say Nothing At All, Alison Krauss
- Baby, Now That I've Found You, Alison Krauss
- Shake The Sugar Tree, Pam Tillis
Yeah, come to think of it, nothing much came out of that infatuation except embarassment.
Ok so, the delayed big news: Aaron and I got engaged over Christmas! Yeah pretty much everyone who reads this already knows, so this is pretty much just for the record.
"I taste your breath in my veins / like waves, vibrations / It's coming up again / Let me climb inside you / Caress your fevered tongue / Spread my wings around you / And we can slide..."
-- Echobelly, "Nobody Like You"
P.S. I'm dying of busydom.
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
(quote for the day)
Yeah, I've been saving this post as a draft for a while, just to remind myself that a couple of awesome things happened on this momentous day...
1. I was in MCAT verbal class, and we had to read some passages and answer questions on them, basically like SAT stuff... So, while I was reading one of these passages, I got this feeling of familiarity from the way it was written--I didn't pay much attention to it, till we finished, and the teacher asked, "So can anyone guess who wrote this passage?" Immediately, I was, like, "Stephen King?" And I was right. It was awesome.
2. A guy from my Erotic 18th Century class e-mailed me and told me the prof. said my paper was really good and to please send him a copy for reference.
Basically, I kicked literature ass today.
However, it is now seven days after that day, and I can tell you, despite how superior I felt, I paid for it the next day. I found out that the prof. only thought my ideas were good, not so much the writing, even though I got the highest grade in the class for the assignment. And MCAT classes have been kicking my ass ever since.
Monday, January 24, 2005
How to make Chipotle burrito rice.
1 teaspoon vegetable oil or butter
2 tsp. fresh cilantro
2/3 cup white basmati rice
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 lime
In a 2-quart heavy saucepan, heat oil or butter over low heat, stirring occasionally until melted. Add rice and lime juice, stir for 1 minute. Add water and salt, bring to a full rolling boil. At boiling, cover, turn down to simmer over low heat until rice is tender and the water is absorbed, about 25 minutes. Add cilantro and fluff rice with a fork.
(add crack as needed.)
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
In any case, it's been a long time since my last post...I guess I'll do one of those list posts to catch up:
Books read:
1. The Poyson Garden by Karen Harper
2. The Queene's Cure by Karen Harper
3. The Twylight Tower by Karen Harper
4. The Tidal Poole by Karen Harper
(These were historical fiction stories based on Elizabeth Tudor's reign of England)
5. Like Being Killed by Ellen Miller (ridiculously depressing, was on suicide watch for a couple hours afterwards)
6. Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub (pretty good except for the surreal ending)
7. Downsiders by Neal Shusterman (mediocre "dark" kid's book)
8. Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman (one of her best, after Practical Magic)
9. More Than You Know by Beth Gutcheon (easily the best novel I read this break, half ghost story, half tragic love story)
10. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe (an 18th century novel by the same guy who did Robinson Crusoe about a skank who ends up going straight after about age 60)
11. Bad Boy by Olivia Goldsmith (by the woman who wrote the book that First Wives Club was based on--pretty good random fun read)
Movies seen:
1. Darkness (another take on the slightly overdone but still good if done well "scary distrubed little kid" genre of horror was not well done.)
2. Phantom of the Opera (I have a girl crush on Emmy Rossum now. enough said.)
3. In Good Company (even excluding the fact that I got to watch Aaron's clone onscreen for an hour and a half, this was a really great movie, which I admit even if it makes me seem like an over-50 matron...who incidentally, were the only people who were in the theater other than me, my sister, and Aaron.
4. Series of Unfortunate Events (awesome sets, pretty good movie)
5. Meet The Fockers (pretty good, I liked it better than the first bc there was less vicarious humiliation)
Presents received:
1. DVD player won by my grandad in a raffle
2. Do-it-yourself wall clock
3. Vanilla Sky dvd
4. Eternal Sunshine dvd
5. Framed picture of Colin Firth from my sister
6. FM transmitter for my Ipod from Aaron
One big event that will be spoken of on this blog once my friends all hear about it.