Friday, October 14, 2005

Yeah I get a lot of papercuts at work. But I don't complain, I just try not to bleed on the copies.
I found out my mcat scores today, and finally, feel repaid for all those hours sitting at my desk this summer--35. So maybe this time next year me and Aaron will be hanging out in LA somewhere...getting our Halloween costumes ready.

They were sure I was guilty, but I committed no crime
They said: confessions bring lenience, so that put me on the line
So I protest the massacres at the Tianenmen Square
My friends say 'yo, stay away man, you better not go fucking back there'
Watch this
One night I might write about my opinions about the state
And the freedom of expression they would never tolerate
And the military secrets that I never did steal
I didn't start no violence, no, and there was nobody that I killed
So I had a clear account of all abusers of power
And the memories of homeland all gone sour
And I only got one weapon, its so plain for me to see
My only weapon I call poetry

And I dont even know why
The truth seems like a lie
In my cell there is no sky
When I was arrested in Shanghai

Now, in a world of privilege I was not born
But the devotion of freedom and liberty I was sworn
So every emotion is studied, watched their control
Who gets paid, who gets disciplined, who gets born
So, transmitting beams my coordinates, anywhere on Earth
And, as radio waves, surveillance, satellite bursts
Open up your skull and let some knowledge come in
Yeah, crack open the cranium and let awareness begin

And I don't even know why
The truth seems like a lie
In my cell there is no sky
When I was arrested in Shanghai" --Rancid

Hell yeah.

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