Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Damn. I just took an 8 AM bike ride across campus and back when I could have remained sleeping in my bed. Freaking physics lab will forever be the bane of my existence.

In any case, it's been a long time since my last post...I guess I'll do one of those list posts to catch up:

Books read:

1. The Poyson Garden by Karen Harper

2. The Queene's Cure by Karen Harper

3. The Twylight Tower by Karen Harper

4. The Tidal Poole by Karen Harper

(These were historical fiction stories based on Elizabeth Tudor's reign of England)

5. Like Being Killed by Ellen Miller (ridiculously depressing, was on suicide watch for a couple hours afterwards)

6. Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub (pretty good except for the surreal ending)

7. Downsiders by Neal Shusterman (mediocre "dark" kid's book)

8. Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman (one of her best, after Practical Magic)

9. More Than You Know by Beth Gutcheon (easily the best novel I read this break, half ghost story, half tragic love story)

10. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe (an 18th century novel by the same guy who did Robinson Crusoe about a skank who ends up going straight after about age 60)

11. Bad Boy by Olivia Goldsmith (by the woman who wrote the book that First Wives Club was based on--pretty good random fun read)

Movies seen:

1. Darkness (another take on the slightly overdone but still good if done well "scary distrubed little kid" genre of horror was not well done.)

2. Phantom of the Opera (I have a girl crush on Emmy Rossum now. enough said.)

3. In Good Company (even excluding the fact that I got to watch Aaron's clone onscreen for an hour and a half, this was a really great movie, which I admit even if it makes me seem like an over-50 matron...who incidentally, were the only people who were in the theater other than me, my sister, and Aaron.

4. Series of Unfortunate Events (awesome sets, pretty good movie)

5. Meet The Fockers (pretty good, I liked it better than the first bc there was less vicarious humiliation)

Presents received:

1. DVD player won by my grandad in a raffle

2. Do-it-yourself wall clock

3. Vanilla Sky dvd

4. Eternal Sunshine dvd

5. Framed picture of Colin Firth from my sister

6. FM transmitter for my Ipod from Aaron

One big event that will be spoken of on this blog once my friends all hear about it.

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