Friday, October 12, 2012

After 28 years of existence, I finally have my first retail job, and I'm finding it every bit as satisfying as I always imagined. I show up, coffee in hand, start the tasks that present themselves, don't stop moving until the end of my shift, and then go home and forget entirely about work until the next shift. I've lost six pounds since I started a month and a week ago, because I don't like taking lunch breaks. The only complaint I have is that I've been working nights a lot.

One night last week, I went to Target with Aaron and he let me test nail polishes on his hands since my nails were already painted. I was trying to choose between about three different shades of matte gray, and when he noticed that one of the shades, Chinchilly by Essie, had "award winner!" posted next to its spot on the shelf, his exclamation of "It's an award winner!" and total conviction that this meant Chinchilly was the obvious choice both cracked me up and convinced me. He also bought "Mermaid for Each Other" for me, citing its perfect representation of reflective insect thoraxes as un-pass-up-able.

Some links to the colors, in case you are interested:

Chinchilly by Essie

Mermaid for Each Other by Nicole (OPI)

Also, I subbed a day last week at a high school, and had Experiences. Most notably, a girl sitting in the middle of the room who asked for a tissue, then picked her nose and said, "Ew, look at this!" and showed what was on the tissue to everyone around her. Also, the janitor's closet had a plastic plaque by it labeling it as the "Janitior's Closet." Proof that the students are not the only stupid thing about schools... I wish I'd been in the mood to take a picture of this...

Also, I keep meaning to tell you about the Scary Lady of Mockingbird Station, but that is a very involved story for another day.

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