Thursday, November 4, 2010

In response to Aaron B's question, I miss my census job because it was the perfect mix of inactivity, human interaction, and money. When I was working for the census, I would get up in the morning (not too early, because no one else working for the census wanted to wake up too early), drive to Whole Foods to meet my work group, hang out and talk for a while, and get some questionnaires to do. I'd get them done in a short amount of time, clock in my hours, and be done. I miss my hours of daylight at home, lounging and enjoying my time with the creatures. And I had found a group of kindred spirits in my census group--people who do not view work as the most important part of their lives, and thus, were very interesting people.

Teaching is fairly rewarding and interesting, but it's eating my soul, because I do not have enough time to do the things that really matter to me (i.e. improving and culturing my mind through reading and movies, as well as doing my god-given vocation, which is hanging out with my boy, dog, and kitty.)

On the other hand, I am learning science so much better now than I ever did in medical school. And I'm getting paid to learn it, rather than paying some bloated institution to teach it to me.

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