Monday, August 23, 2010

Last night, Aaron and I followed a random car off I-75, just to see where he ended up. I was having my routine Sunday night depression, and started wishing I had somewhere to be, as it seemed all the other cars on the highway did. So, we decided to follow a white Honda to see where it was going. Strangely, he got off on our exit. Then, he took us on a winding route. Aaron conjectured that he was going to end up just taking us to his house/apt/living abode, and I hoped for a much more mysterious and exciting destination. In the end, we ended up about 2 blocks away from our house, and he parked in the parking lot behind Black Eyed Pea, either because he worked the night shift somewhere near there, or he was gonna party down on Cedar Springs, or because he wanted a late dinner. So, I guess we didn't learn much, but what is the likelihood that the exact car we decided to follow would end up getting off I-75 at our exit, and basically take us home?

Dwight looks like a baby puppy without his collar. The coating on his collar hardware wore off, and he had an allergic reaction to the nickel...or the brass, we're not sure. So we're gonna have to order some stainless steel hardware and re-hardware his collar. But first we're waiting for his neck to heal and stop leaking. Yuck. Oh, the things I do for this dog.

I had a dream last night that a bright pink kitten showed up at our doorstep. But when I touched her fur, crowds of fleas and mites could be seen running from my hand. So Aaron and I gave her a bath in Dawn soap, and the pink washed off to reveal mostly white with orange tabby patches. I was disappointed because I was hoping the pink was a rare genetic mutation.

The end, for now.

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