Thursday, April 22, 2010


Unknown said...

I call shenanigans! I've tried to beat this several times, and fail miserably. I claim you can't escape. ;-)

raisedbywolves said...

Do you want a hint or do you want a walkthrough?

I'll give you some hints, msg again for a walkthrough...

1. click on the background of an inventory item to get a close up of the item.
2. you can interact with the items by clicking on it or certain parts of it while in close up.
3. you can also have items interact with one another by dragging one item onto the close up view of another item.

Like I told Elissa, I typically end up playing escape games with the walkthrough open in another window to help me if I get stuck.

: )

Unknown said...

Yay! I got it! I didn't know you could interact with things in "big mode" :-D