My poor blog readers...(all 2 of you) must think I have abandoned you. Which, in a way, I have, since my life consists of very little of interest. Unless you would like daily updates on the escapades of Dwight and B.P., which I could go on and on about, but I doubt you would find that interesting. In addition, the "o" button on my laptop is now sticking, thus making it quite hard to write about anything with an "o" in it. Good thing Dwight's name doesn't contain one.
I really just logged on today to tell you to look at this post on CuteOverload.
But I suppose I should do some sort of update. Let's see...
Dwight and I have been battling a patch of ringworm on his belly. (Yeah, gross! Now you get a sense of my day-to-day life.) So we have a routine twice a day--I roll him over onto his side, saying something silly like, "Let's see it! Let's see it!" and then I clean the patch off with some hydrogen peroxide and then rub in a ton of Lotrimin. Thankfully, none of us humans have contracted this deadly disease yet, since it took me literally 2 years to get rid of it the last time I got it (from a shelter dog).
But the thing that makes this story more interesting, is the fact that now, whenever Dwight sees the cotton ball bag, he turns on his side and lifts up his leg so I can do what I need to do. It's hilarious, because unlike other dogs, Dwight doesn't roll over easily for some reason, so getting into position on his side to show me his belly is quite an endeavor for him. I think he likes the quality belly rubbing time, though he's never been one for actual belly rubs. Wierd, right?
Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing ringworm in dogs? We haven't taken him to the vet for it yet, since it seems to be responding to the lotrimin, but we will if it spreads.
Other things on the animal front:
1. B.P. is a love as always. We've got him a collar because there's this guy across the way who also feeds ferals and I think he might let B.P. into his house sometimes, and if he does, I want him to know that B.P. is already owned by us, and not a stray to take in. (Which, how would you not know, seeing how fat he is getting...I guess he's making up for the lean times.)
In any case, B.P. is very good about the collar and keeps it on the whole time he is outside. It's really cute hearing the tag jingle as he runs toward us.
2. Billy the gerbil, who lost his brother Lars a couple of months ago, got really sick for a while. His eyes started getting bigger and bigger, and I was really worried for a weekend. Then, his eyes went back to normal, but looked cloudy. I thought he was over whatever it was. Then, the next weekend, he started gushing blood from his eyes. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever witnessed. Aaron and I were freaking because we couldn't decide whether to take him to the vet or not, since all our experience with taking small animals to the vet is that it stresses them out so much they die soon after (or on the examining table, as per Monica and Jordan's poor guinea pig, Bob). So we let Billy try to get better on his own. He kept trying to rub his face in his sand bath to stop the bleeding, so we took it out and gave him some flour, which supposedly has styptic powers. But it didn't work, and seemed to make it worse, so we took it out. He eventually stopped bleeding, though it started and stopped twice that weekend. Now, he is pretty quiet, but does move around to eat and drink, and he'll take treats from me. In fact, while he was gushing blood and dripping it everywhere, he was still eating! Anyways, gerbils are the hardiest rodents, so hopefully he will recover a bit more.
Ok well, I gotta go. While writing this post, I am slowly eating the mediocre potato salad I made last night, and Dwight is whining at me because he wants some.
Lies! the potato salad was GREAT!!!
I want to hear your daily escapades with the animals! We can trade stories. :-)
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