Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last night in St. Cloud. It seems hard to believe that tomorrow night, I won't see Cache running gleefully down the stairs and hallway at bedtime, excited about sharing the bed, and that there won't be any more late night Desperate Housewives watching with Elissa for a long time. This is what happens when you take on someone else's life--you get comfortable in it, and you don't realize how much you're going to miss the everyday occurrences till you have to leave. I'll miss my messy little basement room.
I can't believe that with all the technological advances of the modern age, we don't yet have instantaneous transporters.

On the other hand, I will be seeing my boy and my dog soon (and my cat, gerbil, hermit crab and fishie), so there's something to be happy about.

On a happier note, Elissa and I taught Cache to play dead! I must remember to take a video of him doing it before I go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had so much fun having your here! Cache already misses you -- every time he runs down stairs, he bolts over to your room and patiently sits in front of the door. Also, the play dead trick is frickin fantastic!!!

I hope you enjoy your last few days in MN with your aunt, and I'm sure you'll enjoy being back with your own awesome pup and husband. :-)

You all are welcome to come up any time you'd like!