Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm reading next week's lectures while I'm stuck here working at the library, and I just have to say--I can't stand it when people who have graduate degrees (M.D., PhD), and are therefore supposed to have a certain amount of intelligence, don't know or care about the proper use of punctuation, or the correct way to spell everyday words.

Find the spelling mistake in the following:
"Extension of sclerosis into subacutis and deep fascia results in bound down skin, i.e. the skin looses its normal mobility..."

The guy spells "loses" like my loser boyfriend in high school did. And my loser boyfriend had to drop out of school and take his GED to get his high school degree.

I am not ashamed to say that I made an angry slash mark through the extra "o".

1 comment:

Jordan Goblin said...

oh that is just inexcusable. The nerve of some people!

I hope you used a red pen because it's the most offensive ink color.