Thursday, January 8, 2009

Currently working at the library. There are workers building a scaffolding just outside in order to change the lightbulbs on the second floor. The racket is unbelievable. But how I wish I could be one of those workers, balancing on a metal scaffolding, with my day's goal being the changing of a lightbulb.

It's only been 4 days since getting back from vacation, and I am already really really down about everything. It's like if you offered someone in a terrible situation a 2 week vacation where they could do whatever they wanted, the catch being that they would then have to return to their terrible situation, now a hundred times worse in comparison. I was going to say Auschwitz, but I thought that might seem a bit extreme. To you, not to me.

edit: okay, a bit extreme even to me, but really not by much.


monica said...
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Jordan Goblin said...

cheer up, jen!
maybe when you weren't watching, one of those lightbulb replacer guys fell off the scaffolding and broke both legs..

(hope that makes you feel better)

; )

oh and the other comment was this same thing i accidentally posted under angria

jessica said...

i enjoyed the last line and edit!
for some reason this reminded me of you...

Elissa said...

I so understand how you feel. Being back after 2 weeks of happiness is unbearable.

Jennifer said...

jessica: that patchwork tent is supremely ugly and yet fascinating at the same time...
It seems from the website that it's in LA...I think. From Aaron's stories of LA, I'm surprised some drunken bum has not already crashed it.