Monday, November 3, 2008

Aaron & I rearranged the place again this weekend. I was starting to feel claustrophobic, and we needed more space. So we basically moved everything back to how it used to be except that our new poang ikea chair is where Dwight's crate used to be and Dwight's crate is now on the other side of the sofa.
The first night after the rearrange, when A told Dwight to go to bed, Dwight went over to the poang chair and looked around, like, "Well, I know this configuration of furniture, and this is where my bed should be!" Because that was where his crate was when he first came to live with us almost 2 years ago, and that was where it stayed for about a year. And he still remembered! Bizarre.

I had a great weekend. I had sushi with another Jennifer on Saturday, and it was great--the company and the food.
On Saturday, A & I went to Ikea to eat and browse this time, to make up for our blitzkreig shopping on Tuesday night when we purchased our poang chair (I should have been studying but couldn't make myself, so we figured we might as well do something out of the ordinary, and we've been looking to get a reading nook chair for a while.)
But by the time we decided we would go, it was 8:00 pm and Ikea closes at 9. And it takes about 40 minutes to get there. But, in those 20 minutes before closing, we decided between the poang chair and a considerably more expensive chair that happened to be in the As-Is department and was about $500 cheaper than usual, and also picked up a new slipcover for our couch from the as-is dept for $10. We are efficient shoppers.

I also have a theory about an Avril Lavigne song, but I will lay it out in another post.

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