I got an awesome birthday package from my sister yesterday, containing:
-tragic royalty playing cards: the royalty cards look zombie-ish in a Tim Burton way, and they glow under black light. overkill of cool.
-two glitter nail polishes (!!)
-two pairs of aerie underwear
-fun dip: every time I think about fun dip, I think of the scene in freaks&geeks when millie is eating fun dip while waiting for the school bus in the morning, and desario comes along in his trans-am (?) and double dips with his finger.
-25 free itunes songs that she got from ACL
-and...I'm sure I'm missing something, but I will add a picture of it later.
And from Aaron, who I made give me my present at midnight last night, got me a western looking leather belt with my name engraved on the back in cool font. It looks awesome and Killers-ish.
Random Gifts that the universe gave me:
1. The Killers tix for Dallas go on sale tomorrow morning.
2. My JImmy John's free sub card made its way to my desk just this week.
3. My tracking number started working today for my T&D bag, so it's just a matter of time till I get it!!
4. The library had, in its new books section, the new book by Stephen King.
5. I got a really nice and unexpected smile and "Good Luck" today from a friend in class before the test, which cheered me up.
6. When Aaron and I went to Ikea on Tuesday, we found a couch cover for our couch in the As Is area for only $10. Regularly, it's $200-300! Needless to say, we got it.
And I finished a test today, so the weekend is mine to spend however I want. I went to the library straight after the test and got 5 fat books to read, and it feels so luxurious to look at them.
I am not even going to worry about how I did on that test, and this is the last time I'll think about it for the next 72 hours, at least. It is just too hard to tell how I did on these tests.
Perhaps...studio movie grill and changeling tonight?
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