Friday, August 1, 2008

Aaron and I went to The Cavern last night to see some friends of his from college play. Their band is called Whitman, and I have a shirt of theirs that says, "My heroes have always been Indians." I still smell like smoke because I am taking a page out of Josephine's book and have not showered. Dwight also smells like smoke because we were cuddling last night when Aaron and I got home.
It was great getting to hear them, and for some reason the bar or the music or something, made me miss Austin so much--driving across the bridge over Town Lake...for some reason that stretch of road is what I tend to think of when I miss Austin. That, and walking at night with Aaron around the fountain near the art buildings. I think Aaron actually went into it once, when challenged.

Did you know that Josephine's full name was Marie-Josephe-Rose de Beauharnais? She was called Rose until Napoleon came along, and decided he didn't like it, and called her Josephine instead.

I am sitting here with Dwight on one side, and an electric fly swatter on the other, just in case any of those infernal mosquitos bother us. I already killed one, and it fell onto the couch next to me, where I left it for a few minutes, and then went to go pick it up. Lo and behold, it flew away when I touched it! Apparently the batteries need to be changed.

Breaking Dawn tonight! Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!

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