Today I had to brave the UT Southwestern campus to return the key to my carrel which was due about a month and a half ago. But it totally slipped my mind because I finished a month earlier than everyone else in my year, cleaned out my carrel, and then apparently blocked out any and all further obligations to that hellhole. So today I had to ruin the pristine slate of my summer and go to campus to turn it in. I tried to make it bearable, though, by wearing my most revealing summer dress (which used to be my sister's of course) and my ultra chic gladiator sandals.
Oh! by the way, I guess I never told you that I did end up getting some that I love even more than the $200 Matt Bernson ones. At Old Navy. Ridiculous!
Anyway, so that chore is done, so I can enjoy what's left of the summer, at least. I desperately want to go on a cruise with Aaron, but they are expensive, and I cannot find anyone I would trust Dwight with for a week and a half, that would be willing to dogsit. Grr. I need to make more dog-lover friends.
Speaking of Dwight, he has been quite a turd lately. I think he is feeling spoiled. So I must re-institute my NILIF regimen, as well as increase his exercise allotment. His limp has gotten better, which is a good thing, but I am still getting used to the resulting increase in hyper-ness.
Well, in other news, Aaron has some friends coming this weekend to celebrate his birthday with him, and I am working on cleaning the spare room. I have done quite a good job already if I do say so myself, and I have gone in there just to admire my work at least twice in the last 24 hours.
On the list of other things I am proud of, I stayed up late one night last week when I was feeling especially restless, and figured out how to put the rear derailleur back onto my bike. Aaron and I had taken apart this bike last year while I was still in school, to re-paint it, but we got distracted by other projects, and ended up with pieces of bike all over the house. But while I was in Houston having my wisdom teeth surgery, Aaron finished painting the bike for me, and put it mostly together, leaving the front and back derailleurs for me to do. And I did it!
So I will have a good bike to ride to school next year. Hopefully it will be easier and faster than my Hoffman bike, which was never really meant for distance riding.
Don't you think it looks like a tube sock?
list of other things coming up...
1. alkaline trio concert tomorrow night
2. waiting for a book I ordered from amazon to get here
3. waiting for Aaron's Vans purchase to get here
4. August 2nd, Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn gala at the bookstore!
it's good to see you got the message and got to work on Paper Pieces. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. This was a rich and thick post and it comes at a good time when we needed it most.
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