I'm on my second week of 'summer'! I finished my last neuroscience test on Thursday, May1st, and I can't believe it's already the 12th. It hasn't really felt like anything special, because I've still been working at the library on a lot of nights.
Good things that have happened:
1. I passed Neuro w/ a B
2. Aaron and I started playing GTA 4. (We preordered it, got it on Tuesday, and Aaron opened it up on Thursday while I was in my test.) I have yet to get as addicted to it as I was to San Andreas. But I think we figured out why--I watched Aaron play San Andreas for a while in college before I ever started playing. And then, when I started playing, Aaron watched me play a lot. Or slept on the futon next to me as I played. I seem to remember an 8 hour San Andreas day...I went over to his and Jimmy's apartment around noon, we had lunch, Jimmy left, and I started playing the game. Aaron falls asleep next to me, and somewhere in that time Jimmy comes home to take a nap, and the next thing I know, it's 9 pm and we're wondering where to go for dinner. I think I was on the "learning to fly and airplane" mission by then.
Anyways, I've been playing GTA 4 alone a lot, so that's probably why it doesn't feel as fun.
3. I don't think I've mentioned the three black cats in the back of our complex that were abandoned by a family that moved. Me and Aaron got them neutered and their rabies shots from a free clinic, but were very worried that they would be taken away by Management (eek! Carnivale). We thought about giving them up on Craigslist to be barn cats, but were worried about how they would be treated, and whether they would be any good at catching rats, since they're sorta small, though full-grown. Well, about 2 1/2 weeks ago, the mom cat got sick, and this couple who had also been feeding them, had to take her in to be euthanized. And then they started worrying about the other two, and so took them in! And they are now living in the lap of luxury in their perfectly decorated home. (We went to visit the cats, and I was jealous of the peoples' interior decorator skills. Our house is just too haphazard.) So everything turned out really well, though the mom cat sacrificed her life to improve her offspring's.
Bad things that have happened
1. My laptop's harddrive went out. Like a couple weeks after my sister's went out. Thankfully, I had all my pics backed up, but other than that, it was a total loss.
2. Aaron's keyboard on his laptop has been messing up.
So we spent two days switching out computers at the Genius Bar (I use that term lightly) and they replaced both my harddrive and Aaron's keyboard totally. Still a hassle, but I got two Wild About Harry's meals out of it. yum.
Well, looking back on it, this was a pretty boring post. I think Dallas may be rubbing off on me.
haha not too boring. your style makes it fun..
i am about to go home to sinkhole heaven.. i meant "haven."
good for you for most of the actions in this post.
come to houston soon!
jia yo.
(ps this is jordan)
So so so jealous of your summer break! Do you really get all summer off without studying and classes?
Yes, I get summer off, but I'm hopefully going to be working, etc.
Last summer, I took full advantage though, and chilled to the fullest extent.
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