Sunday, January 6, 2008

Last night for dinner, me and Aaron went to Cheddars and both ordered a Caesar salad and 3 of their delicious honey butter croissants. It was delicious, though a little embarassing to be ordering so strangely. Tonight we will be making enchiladas and spanish rice. I am currently waiting for Aaron to hurry up and print out the Blockbuster coupon so we can rent a movie.

I have been planning a post with pics of my christmas presents and how they are being used, but haven't got around to it. I got a pair of sleeppants that make me not want to leave the house, ever. So much so that Aaron has told me just to go out in them. So I helped rake the leaves today outside with them just rolled up to my knees...

This week, we have been taking Dwight to the dog park a lot. He actually gets along really well with other dogs, once we got over our fear that he would be a dog aggressive pit. He leaves dogs alone that tell him to go away, and says hello to other dogs by licking them in the mouth. Dog parks are sort of a crap shoot though, because it's awkward to navigate around the dog owners, who can be fairly anal about how their dogs play or their dogs getting dirty.
Yesterday a standard poodle named Izzy (there are a lot of purebreds in Dallas) was kicking Dwight's ass by biting him on the neck. Aaron and I don't mind this happening, because Dwight plays better with dogs that let him know who's boss. But the poodle's owner still yelled at the dog, saying, "I don't want him to play that way."
If I had a standard poodle, I would be happy it was showing some balls...

Today we met a Siberian Husky at the animal shelter. If you saw me walking one down the street, would you perhaps assume I was an eskimo? Because I think that would be really cool.

1 comment:

Monica said...

you found a cheddars?! i am so hungry right now and i am dying for massive amounts of food.