Monday, August 13, 2007

Two articles on MSN today seemed to apply to me almost exactly.
The first, Aaron says, describes the way I act about Dwight perfectly. I think it does too, except I don't have an asshole husband who hates dogs and thinks it's only okay to spay girl dogs and not to neuter boy dogs (GRRR!) because of his own misplaced masculinity. It also addresses the --will I love my kids as much as my dog-- question (which I thought only I was crazy enough to think).
The second article is about this new game on Nintendo DS that Japan has made to help people refine their smiles and make them more natural looking. My entire life, I've been looking for this game! I've always thought that my facial expressions seem unnatural and I walk around quite stoic most of the time. I think it's a very Asian thing to not be in the habit of showing very much emotion, despite feeling a normal range. There've been lots of times when I've been feeling just fine and other people ask me if I'm alright since I look quite suicidal.
I think it's also a very Asian thing to want to --practice and get better!!-- at showing emotion, so as to assimilate better into Western culture. How strange.

I have used a lot of random dashes, etc. in this post to try to explain what I mean...I don't know if they work, or whether they are just confusing and wierd.

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