His name is Warpaint. (in my alternate universe.)
Doesn't he just look like he belongs in my life?
Enneagram Test Results
Your variant is self pres |
Main Type | Overall Self |
1. I won an ebay auction for the new Harry Potter book, so I finally get to read it! It was only $10. Also, I found an instructable that teaches you how to make a magic wand, so I'm doing that as I read the book, too. Instead of a dragon heartstring core, I have an Aaron-hair core in my wand.
2. Me and Aaron have gone on a chinese food kick, so I am learning to make all sorts of things I used to eat as a kid. We went to the grocery store to buy cabbage and ground pork to make dumplings (urg I hate that word) with, and we both realized we didn't know what a raw cabbage looked like. Ridiculous, right?
3. While taking Dwight on a walk, we found a red eared slider turtle, and had to go down to the creek in the dark to release it.
I am dreading school. I guess it's only fair since I looked forward to it so much from K-12-college. A person can only have so much of their share of good school days. I am making up for it all now. For every inch of misery that I didn't feel on the last day of summer in my first 22 years of life, I am feeling it now.
Though there may be a trip to Graceland before the summer is entirely over...though part of me just wants to lounge with my boy and my dog for as long as possible.