Saturday, July 21, 2007

I am one of those insecure pet owners...if there are others out there, that is. "Dwighter-babies, I love you! Do you love me??" is a sentence that can be heard quite often here, sometimes multiple times a day. And really, I'd feel a lot better about myself if Dwight could answer out loud in human talk. I am a big fan of reassurance.

I went to the Social Security office today, and changed my name. It was super easy, and the wierd thing is, they have a policy where they will only give you 3 replacement cards a year and only 10 in a lifetime. So technically, I could change my name 9 more times in my lifetime, twice of those times before next year. I wonder if anyone ever gets up to that limit. Other than losing the card and having to get it replaced, that is...

So next week, driver's license and passport. And then bank accounts, which will be less fun. I hate banks, and I hate dealing with money. Unless it's a paycheck, and then I want to hold that shit in my hand. No direct deposit here. But seriously, I don't know how people handle money markets and bonds, and all that stuff. It's the immigrant in me, I guess--as a first-generation American, the extent of my knowledge revolves around checking and savings accounts, as my parents did not have a stock broker or financial consultant. I guess that's something I'll have to acquire in my lifetime so my second-generation kids can be good Middle-Class Americans.

I currently feel very cynical, as I have just finished watching Arlington Rd with Aaron. I knew sometime near the end that something frustrating was going to happen in the end of the movie, and I was right. Damn that Tim Robbins who always plays a creepy freakshow.
Other movies I'm looking forward to seeing all have to do with kids: Joshua, Rocket Science, and This is England. And maybe Charlie Bartlett.

Dwight is falling asleep with his nose pressed up against my foot right now. I guess that's reassurance enough.

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