Monday, April 2, 2007

I have been trying to set up a Blockbuster online account, but I keep getting an error message! What will I do with all my free time if I do not have a steady supply of rental movies?? Ha, just kidding. But I have been craving to watch Shiloh. Which is ridiculous, I know, but I can't help it.
By the way, Bridge to Terabithia was nowhere as ridiculous as its chronicles-of-narnia preview made it out to be. It actually followed the book quite closely and was pretty good, despite it being a bit heavy on the goody-two-shoes-ish morals.
And Zoey Deschanel (sp?) was in it, which always is a plus.
I also am quite in love with the bond girl from the new bond movie. But I don't think most people would agree, as she is a bit awkward looking sometimes, but that's what I like about her.

Here is a great video of a very cute hamster.

Incidentally, I am feeling quite guilty about not spending enough time with the gerbils.

I leave for Boston on Tuesday! Apparently, it is about 40 degrees there now. Stephen King/Gothic nerds, here I come!!! I am excited about hanging out with people who share interests with me again. And of course, hanging with Rachel!!!!!!!!! who I haven't seen since the summer.

Oh, here is the link to the conference program. I am area chair for my presentation time! Which probably just means I get to announce the others before their presentations, but it sounds pretty cool, right?

1 comment:

Elissa said...

Yah! That is super exciting! I wish I could see it, but good luck with it. I think a chair just announces presentation and times them so that they don't go over the limit. Like, you stand up when they have 2 mins left or something. Have fun in Boston, I'm super jealous.