Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This morning I went to the first Human Behaviour/Psychopathology group meeting. I've been looking forward to this class since the beginning of the year as one of the only ones I would have actually voluntarily chosen if I had the choice.
I've already been to the lecture portion of it, which was disappointing, bc of how stereotyped and classified everything was--according to them, there are only three types of families, three levels of people, etc. I'm used to sociological classes being more discussion-based, whereas this was very much a scientific approach to human behaviour--something which I would like to believe is inherently un-scientific.

The prof who is leading my small group is a little old lady who's quite proud of herself for standing up to big, mean psychotic types. She told us lots of stories to show how well her intuition works when it comes to knowing when to be scared of which mental patients.
Also, she had a pharmaceutical rep come in and give us free stuff, which was pretty cool, though the condescending attitude she had towards him was pretty hard to watch.

Is it a coincidence that both of the psychiatrists I have met so far seem pretty conceited and un-self aware? My theory is that they are around deviant types so much that whatever personality flaws they have themselves seem entirely harmless, and therefore they stop trying to fix themselves and only concentrate on fixing others.
It doesn't help that they all become filthy rich anyway.
She has a grandkid going to a private preschool called "creme de la creme."

Anyways, I will enjoy going through my free little reference book of psychiatric disorders. Prepare to be regaled with what disorders I believe I have or am on the verge of having.

Oh, and when the prof was talking about dress code for future meetings, she said, "We are not children anymore, we are professionals," while looking at me. This morning, I had literally rolled out of bed, put on jeans and a hoodie, and drove to school. It's lucky I didn't come wrapped in a blanket.

In other news, after saturday morning, I won't have any tests for a while. What will I do with all the free time?

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