I just went to the bathroom here at school, and someone followed me in.
There was a long period of quiet as we were both sitting in our respective stalls, and I desperately wanted to say into the silence,
"Listen...your presence is making me really uncomfortable, and I'm sure mine is making you uncomfortable. So I'm just going to go for it, as I think you should as well, and afterwards, we'll never mention or think about this again."
I really wanted to.
And if she had been, like, "Ok," I would know she was a kindred spirit...
In the end, though, I chickened, and just went for it anyway. I think she decided to hold it till I left.
This is a gross start out, but I hope you can relate.
Last night, I went with Aaron back to his office to study while he finished up some work. In truth, I just wanted to see his cubicle (no shortening it to 'cube,' hipsters who don't want to admit they are 9-5ers!), and needed somewhere to study and so forced him to do some work that could've waited till the morning. It was cool because the security guard didn't think we looked legit enough to be there so late at night, and so was very suspicious of us.
It was so quiet, and sorta creepy. At around midnight, we went to look out the window (he works on the 20th floor) and the streets downtown were so empty I felt like I was in a zombie takeover.
Oh, and this blog post made my day. Read it. Laugh.
maybe she had a uti and it was just too painful to urinate.
I applaud your honesty, and regretfully relate to it as well.
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