Monday, October 2, 2006

Today I started a journal (paper, not web), ate at Cici's pizza, explained to Aaron the difference between people who stay fully dressed when home alone and people who walk around in their underwear, and met a tortoiseshell kitten on a walk down to the bai-jou who followed us home and so I fed him dog food and water. He was super friendly, and I haven't sneezed yet!

Elissa: I have a question. Is there any deadly (or not-so-deadly) disease that I could catch from petting a possibly feral kitten and then scratching a mosquito bite that ended up bleeding? I know, it's gross, but I'm worried about it.
Save me from paranoia or disease, one or the other.

I am sad about Rachel going to Boston on Friday, but I am happy that she is doing something special and exciting.

I am going to try and be happy in Dallas, doing what I'm doing, and being who I am. But I'm going to keep thinking about being an 18-wheeler truck driver, getting a tattoo, and/or moving to L.A. sometime in the next 5 years. I know someone who promised herself only to stay in Dallas for three years, and now it's been three years and she owns a house here. Suckage.

I want to read a book, have a free weekend, and for winter to hurry up and start.


Elissa said...

You're so funny jennifer, you're the med student! But seriously, I wouldn't worry about it. You can always get things like ringworm (a fungus, not a worm) or sarcoptic mange, but not from touching a bleeding wound. Just skin contact, but it's pretty unlikely, esp if you're healthy. So yeah, pet away kitten-pedophile!

JENNIFER said...

sometimes it scares me how much we think about the same things. i totally understand your paranoia... you have no idea how paranoid i am about flu germs from people's sneezes and exhales. okay, so that wasn't what you were talking about but it's close.

also, what was the difference that you found in people that stay fully dressed vs. underies? i've been thinking about that a lot, as i am definitely the ladder. which one are you? ew, that sounds like something some creepy 35 year old would ask some 12 year old on myspace. :/