Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Yeah, so my roommate has decided to move back home for the last three weeks of the semester apparently. I wouldn't have even known except for my acute blog-reading abilities... It's sorta sad, her blog said that she "doesn't want to feel like an intruder in her own room anymore." Which I don't understand seeing as with MCATs and other school stuff I am hardly ever in the room except to sleep and drop off my things once or twice throughout the day. And she seems like a pretty cool person except she responds to all my attempts at conversation with monosyllabic answers...like two weeks ago (my last attempt at any sort of meaningful conversation) I was like, "You should read this short story by Stephen King, it's really good" (actually I didn't say it nearly so smoothly and confidently, because frankly, she makes me nervous...) but yeah I stumbled out something like that, figuring we'd have to talk about it after she was done with it...but no, a couple days later she hands the book back, saying, "Yeah I finished it..."
Anyways, I guess it's just one of those things. It's probably that neither of us talks a whole lot. But if I were so upset with my living conditions I'd at least talk to my roommate about it before just leaving without even packing up my stuff... : ( Seriously, I am totally socially inept.

1 comment:

wangerz said...

AWWW!!! That's kind of funny though, well, from my perspective. hehehe