Saturday, November 27, 2004

I just kissed my boyfriend, and the lingering taste of spray paint and Dr. Pepper makes me miss him already...ha.

So I finally got my life in order--the ID card is up and running again, my physics test is over and done with, and now I just have two papers and a test before I start studying for finals, which actually should be a relief after this week.

My roomate graduates in December, I hope I don't get another one, but I probably will. Urgh. Well, it will probably be better than I imagine, I just don't feel like getting used to someone else.

I finally got to the step machines--Jenn1 was right! They are awesome. Like, freaky alien pods that exercise your limbs for you. I'm sure it says something disturbing about my life that while people are "starving in Somalia" I need to get on a machine that basically moves my limbs for me (because I am too lazy to get my ass up and around a track) in order to burn off the fat that builds up from eating pretty much whatever I feel like at any given time of the day.

But hey, who cares, I am a true child of urban civilization, and therefore I know how to appreciate being able to work up a healthy sweat while reading the captions on The Simpsons and That 70's Show and listening to Sarah McLachlin at the same time.

Just curious--Jenn1? I know you can kick my ass in the wonderful world of step-machining, but how long do you usually go for? People are so hardcore, I was concentrating on the fact that I was working up the first real sweat of my life, and the girl next to me was reading for a class...can we say multi-tasker of meredith steele proportions?

1 comment:

JENNIFER said...

LOL! Yeah, the rec center is LITTERED with Meredith clones! I usually go for 30 minutes if I'm doing a charity workout (when I don't have to workout but do anyways, just because I like to) and 50 minutes if I'm actually working out. But don't let the numbers fool you... you can subtract about 20 minutes for time spent watching other people on the fitness floor and losing track of my own speed.