Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Dude...I hate to start after a long dry spell with a rant--there was a great weekend in there somewhere that I (literally) could not find words to describe, but well, here I am, and...here you are, so...

Physics could be a comedy routine in it of itself. The great majority of the physics majors and teachers I have met are, to say the least, dry as a prostitute after a full night's work (hey, i tried to think of a better analogy, sorry). My physics TA is probably in his thirties, and yet he still looks like the nerds in those old movies about high school--insanely tight lavendar jeans (which I have seen him wear on more than one occasion) and an array of gingham/plaid short sleeved button up t-shirts. When mixed with the flourescent lighting and outdated furniture of the entire RLM building, it really has a disconcerting effect...

But in any case, here's what I really came to bitch about--this "lab partner" I have in Physics lab. Dude, if anyone could be more anal...every single little thing that might or might not have any effect on the experiment, he spends at least five minutes thinking about and fixing. I'm a big fan of the, do the least that is necessary to get by strategy, and right now I have an A in that class. And the things he's so busy fixing, even the TA doesn't care about. How do I know this? Because I've caught the TA looking at our table with a scornful look on his face. This guy just won't let go of anything!!! I pity his future children and wife, I pity his roomate, I pity his friends, and most of all, I pity me, his lab partner. We are always the last to leave!!! It's giving me a headache just talking about it.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I totaly agree, he is such a duche

JENNIFER said...

I know exactly what you mean! We have a physics lab "group" and this one guy is so annoying meticulous about everything. He looks like a white person cherry, but that's besides the point. Anyways, we are always last to leave. We are always the only ones still in the lab with the echos of our lone experiment in an empty room.

Anonymous said...

Yo Mama

Who is the last person to post a comment, " Who are you?" just curious.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can finally leave you comments! :-D Yeah, most Physics geeks are really rather scary. But some of them are pretty damn awesome! Sorry your lab partner is a squeezewad. :-/

~Aaron [http://ramblings.aaronballman.com]

Anonymous said...

yo mama to the 27th power