Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yes, it is quite Wednesday, Tuesday has come and gone.

Monday it stormed right as I was coming home from volunteering at Brack hospital.

As I was walking home, I saw a perfectly intact dead squirrel lying at the foot of a tree and clutching a visine bottle in its paws. I went quite a bit out of my way to capture this on film, and when it's developed, I'll let you know if you are interested. No disrespect to the poor squirrel, I pray safe passage to heaven for him/her.

After I walked past the squirrel, and was heading towards Aaron's apt. to hang out before he had to go to class, it started thundering like mad--first flashes of lightning which just barely lightened the cloudy storm yellow-tinted sky, but felt like a barely restrained something that was soon to be unrestrained. And then when the thunder came, it came as a crash that echoed in the bones and flesh, and was somehow a release. This went on for about ten minutes, and by the time I was at Aaron's apt. eating the chips and queso, etc. that I had picked up from taco cabana, it started raining hard.

I haven't seen that kind of rain in a long time, but it seems like I had it stored up in my memory, and when I finally saw it, I knew I had been waiting for it to finally come. The day became sunlit, and clear, and the rain just made everything brighter and clearer. We just sat outside on the second floor and looked out over the shut-down gas station, and the street, and part of the drag, and the rain encased all of these and made them into memory.

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