Saturday, April 6, 2013

Apparently in my sleep last night I said "Cersei Lannister" and "Daenarys Stormborn" and laughed. I wish I knew what I was dreaming about because that dream seems a lot more interesting than my real life right now. At work this weekend and looking at how amazing the weather is outside the drive thru window, all I want to do is strip nekkid (or down to my cut off shorts and a tank top, realistically), and go running around outside.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Today was deemed 'fart day' by the powers that be...I had to go take a test at the testing center for a class I'm taking and the guy beside me kept dropping SBDs. It was awful, and very distracting. I was super tempted to turn to him and say, "Would you please stop farting?!" It would've been hilarious because what could he have done? It was the testing center so he couldn't very well have turned and denied it. He would've just had to live with my accusation, mortified, and tried to finish off his test.

Then, as I was walking out of the building to my car, an oldish guy walked by and dropped another bomb that was anything but silent. Like, earth shakingly loud. It cheered me up because it was just so funny. I don't think he knew I was there, and if he realized he would've been embarrassed. Or maybe, like my grandfather, he wouldn't have cared at all. 

I don't know if the tone of this blog seems strange, but if it does, it's because I'm typing it from an ipad and I'm at work. 

Air and I have just finished watching Game of Thrones Season 2, and I'm going through withdrawals from Game of Thrones and Walking Dead. I'm so sick of the seasons thing. I want every show to go and go until completion, because every time a season ends, I'm devastated, but by the time it starts up again, I'm not totally in the mood anymore, and the return just doesn't seem as sweet as it would've been four months ago. Like Mad Men is starting up again on Sunday, and I just feel nothing...I just want Walking Dead or Game of Thrones back! Oh the pain of first world problems.