(If you don't know what that is in reference to, you don't know me very well...)
My old one's battery died, and then the mouse started going, so we sorta decided not to put any more money into it. I miss my old compy sometimes, but I also have gotten quite emotionally attached to my new one, so it's a toss up.
I haven't blogged for real in a very long time, mostly because I've been fairly down about the tellable parts of my life, though I've also been fairly happy about the not-so-tellable parts of my life. Like, how much can one say about how cute one's dog is, or how incredible one's husband is? In any case, I guess there just hasn't been much to say.
So, I am still unemployed, and still very torn about that--I don't know if I like not doing much during the day, but I also don't know if working would be better. And I change my mind multiple times a day about what kind of job I want.
Enough about that.
For Christmas, I went down to Galveston to visit my sister and her new apartment by the beach. Here's some pictures of Dwight and I at the beach!
He was great at the beach! I was able to let him run off-leash because there weren't any people around, and he came to me when I called him every time. And he got in the ocean, which I was really surprised about since he hates water and is basically a coward about everything. It was really fun to watch him be a normal dog for once.
Although, he did cut his paw slightly on a shell and bled all over my sheets at Monica's place before I noticed. Boy, was that a bitch to pre-wash. There were at least 25 little blood spots. It was absolutely miserable.
Since Aaron had to work in Dallas until the day before Christmas Eve, he came down to Houston Wednesday night. Things we did during our Christmas break in Houston:
--saw Avatar with Aaron's dad. I loved it, even though the 3-d glasses gave me a super headache during the first half of the film.
--walked Dwight with Clover, my dad's dog. They got along super well, because Clover's a very calm, dominant dog, so they sniffed noses and butts properly, and then respected each other's space.
--had Christmas lunch at Aaron's uncle's house with his mom and grandparents. The food was absolutely amazing, and I've been craving roast w/ horseradish sauce ever since.
--spent Christmas night with my family down in Galveston at my sister's place. Ate another Christmas meal. This one included of creamed corn, which my arteries will be paying for when I'm 60. The recipe consisted of 2 cans of corn, a whole stick of butter, and a whole 8 oz stick of cream cheese. Disgusting! But oh so delicious. I came back to Dallas and tried to replicate it after halving the butter and cheese, but it just doesn't taste as good. I don't think I'll have the original stuff again though, as I might not survive it.
--hung out with Elissa, Aaron B., and Rachel at Elissa's mom's house the day after Christmas. Cache (Elissa's lab mix) and Dwight got to meet each other. This was a bit more...exciting, as they sorta riled each other up. I got to hear Dwight's new chihuahua bark, which he did while playing with Cache.
Side note: While there, Elissa asked whether Dwight had ever bitten another dog or human, so I just want to re-iterate(!!) that no, he has not ever bitten dog, human, cat, or any other thing that's not his food or treats, or the tips of my fingers as I handed him a treat. He chases cats outside but then play bows when he catches up to them (though scaring them in the process, I'm sure), and is submissive with Big Poppa, our cat. In addition, he was bit by a schnauzer once, and did not retaliate, just stood there with his ears back. If he bit a dog ever, he wouldn't ever get to play with another dog and if he bit a human, he would probably get put down. I feel bad for him sometimes, because we have to put so much pressure on him to be well behaved just because of the way he looks. I understand it, because of his breed reputation, but it still sucks.
--had lunch at Katz's with a friend, which was a double bonus because I got to catch up with him, *and* eat a whole order of fried pickles by myself.
Okay, here's some videos I wanted to show you guys.
Dwight and Aaron playing. Dwight sometimes gets in these moods where he wants to lay his paw on our hands. Halfway through, Dwight gets smart and uses both paws.
Beach footage.
More beach footage--I'm trying to get Dwight to chase the seagulls but he's totally oblivious, and keeps running in front of me and then stopping, thus tripping me up. He finally gets it though.
My mom feeding Dwight and Monica french fries. I was really surprised to see my mom doing this, because she hates the soft feeling of animals, especially their mouths. Notice how she tries to give the longest ones to Dwight.