Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Doppelganger Pair Discovered!

A little known fact--I have a thing about doppelgangers. Harry Connick, Jr and Jeff Goldblum, I can barely tell them apart. I don't know if it's because I'm Asian and so all white people look the same to me or what.

When I saw the previews for a history of violence, I thought it was gonna be something like Secret Window, Secret Garden, where the main character has multiple personalities or something. Why? Because Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen are the same person, basically.

For heaven's sake, which is which? I'm not going to tell you, because it doesn't matter. They're the same. And I just saw another movie they starred in together, Appaloosa. They play best friends who ride around the west keeping the peace. Or was it twins who ride around keeping the peace?....I'm not sure.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For Monica

Why do I find Justin Timberlake so much more attractive now??

Friday, January 16, 2009

We have a new cat! Rather, one of the ferals has promoted himself to the status of housecat. It's Tupac, and a couple of weeks ago, he started meowing to come inside the house in the evenings. I figured it was because he was cold, and so he got to come inside a bit to be cuddled by Aaron or even occasionally, me, despite my allergies. He would fall asleep in a lap immediately. And drool.
Then we went to Taiwan for 2 weeks, and I think the balance of power shifted in the backyard from Tupac to Big Poppa, who took over the kitty hideaway that Tupac always used to stay in. So when we got back, Tupac started meowing to get in at all hours of the day and night. And so, he is now inside almost all the time. He never wants to leave, even when it's nice weather outside. He even has a litter box now, which he makes a royal mess of, desperately trying to cover his poop. But he uses it, and that's the most important thing! It probably doesn't help that it's the tiny kitten-sized litter box we had for the fosters.

What about my allergies, you say? Well, it helps that Tupac knows his place (for now) and listens when he's told to keep off the couch. He just lays on this blanket we had laying in the corner waiting to be washed, and kneads it. And the blanket is the color of dough, so it is very fitting.

I really wish I'd given him a better name than Tupac, if he is going to be our real housecat now...I was trying not to get attached to the ferals, and thus gave them all half-joking rapper names.
It's cool that his coloring is similar to Dwight's--black mostly, w/ white on his chest. He doesn't have white on his face or feet though.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Currently working at the library. There are workers building a scaffolding just outside in order to change the lightbulbs on the second floor. The racket is unbelievable. But how I wish I could be one of those workers, balancing on a metal scaffolding, with my day's goal being the changing of a lightbulb.

It's only been 4 days since getting back from vacation, and I am already really really down about everything. It's like if you offered someone in a terrible situation a 2 week vacation where they could do whatever they wanted, the catch being that they would then have to return to their terrible situation, now a hundred times worse in comparison. I was going to say Auschwitz, but I thought that might seem a bit extreme. To you, not to me.

edit: okay, a bit extreme even to me, but really not by much.