hello all! here i am, 4 wisdom teeth lighter, and high on vicodin. Actually, I don't know why people take vicodin for fun, it just makes me dizzy and sleepy, and my eyes see double. Oh, delightful.
The worst part about the surgery was when they put the catheter in my hand, and I could feel the cold i.v. fluid painfully traveling through my veins. The worst part about the recovery is the terrible freaking taste emanating from my wounds, which I believe is due to some medicated dressing the doc sewed into place.
I came to while he was finishing up, and could feel him jerking out the final tooth and sewing up my wounds, but was too out of it to care. Wierd, eh? And I'm usually so freaked out by stuff like that.
mm, well guess i will go drift into a sleepless slumber. I was going to write about my sister, jordan, and my galveston trip which was jolly good fun but am too tired. So, go to my sis's blog, which basically tells everything anyways. will add link later.
one thing i will say, is that i got some cute dream catcher earrings. despite the fact that aaron thinks dream catchers are tacky.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wow! Aaron and I have gotten so many wedding anniversary wishes and cards and even a present! I had no idea anyone would pay attention to our anniversary other than us.
Happily, it has now been a year since we've been married, and nine years since we first met.
Sadly, I am in Houston for the week, and Aaron is still in Dallas. My appointment to get all four of my wisdom teeth out is on Thursday. We are having a going away party for my four wisdom teeth tomorrow in Galveston (Me, Monica, and Jordan. Yes, I am going to be third wheel.)
But, we are planning on perhaps going away for a weekend soon to celebrate.
Me and Monica went to the Galleria today, and I bought some awesome crop sweatpants to lounge around the house in, and a hooded sweater because I forgot to pack anything warm and everywhere I've been in Houston has been freezing, despite it being summer. I love them!!! Eek!! Aaron would ask why I needed another hoodie, though. I am a hoodie freak.
I am reading a lot, and enjoying being away from Dallas. But I will also be glad to be back, since then I get to cuddle my boy and my dog. Simultaneously.
Oh and a big shout out to Lydia, who is being Dwight's dog-walker for the week.
Happily, it has now been a year since we've been married, and nine years since we first met.
Sadly, I am in Houston for the week, and Aaron is still in Dallas. My appointment to get all four of my wisdom teeth out is on Thursday. We are having a going away party for my four wisdom teeth tomorrow in Galveston (Me, Monica, and Jordan. Yes, I am going to be third wheel.)
But, we are planning on perhaps going away for a weekend soon to celebrate.
Me and Monica went to the Galleria today, and I bought some awesome crop sweatpants to lounge around the house in, and a hooded sweater because I forgot to pack anything warm and everywhere I've been in Houston has been freezing, despite it being summer. I love them!!! Eek!! Aaron would ask why I needed another hoodie, though. I am a hoodie freak.
I am reading a lot, and enjoying being away from Dallas. But I will also be glad to be back, since then I get to cuddle my boy and my dog. Simultaneously.
Oh and a big shout out to Lydia, who is being Dwight's dog-walker for the week.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I had the coolest day on Saturday!
First, I will tell you exactly what I was doing Friday night, and actually a lot of Friday day. I was on my couch, obsessively looking on ebay for a mood ring. Then, Aaron saw the Lucky brand mood ring (the only modern mood ring that didn't look cheap) and decided that he really liked it, which made me like it a bit more, because I had thought he would make fun of its gaudiness.
So then, I got really excited about the Lucky mood ring, and kept looking it up on the internet, very excited about when the Lucky boutique would open in the morning, 10 am.
Then, we went to sleep, woke up, and went straight to the store (like 5 mins after they opened), and bought it. They had to go in the back to get them, which is strange, since, if you have it, why don't you display it?
Then, we drove to Andi & Jeff's place, because Aaron was invited over to watch Jeff change the brakes on his Element, which they just bought (matching cars!! we must be best friends!!!) and I was invited over to play. While we were driving out there, Aaron teased me for looking at my ring so much.
So we stayed around and chilled and changed brake pads, and had Subway for lunch, which was all really nice because they live in the outskirts of Dallas, and it feels like the country out there. The weather felt so nice, and the air actually smelled fresh. And the neighbors have goats, horses, and peacocks...
While I was there, I noticed the backing was coming off the stone on my ring, and so when we got home, we got Dwight in the car, and went back out to the West Village, which is only 5 mins away from home, to exchange the ring for another. We walked Dwight around the West Village, where he met another pit bull, and both dogs were quite well behaved. Dwight pulled a little, and I had to say, "He's nice, he's just excited." And the other owner said, "Imagine that, an excited pit bull."
And then I got to the store, made the exchange, and then we all went home to take a nap and wait for my parents and sister to arrive.
And then they did, and after getting them settled, me and Aaron went to the Rancid concert, which was awesome!
I feel like I was in a car accident, which is always a sign of a great concert. And Tim did a song for Jordan, my sister's bf, because he met them at their hotel in Austin and told them he knew people who were going to be at their Dallas show.
Then, we got home after the requisite stop at mcdonald's for a large coke after the concert, and watched tv w/ my family. After we put my parents to bed, me and Aaron each took showers, and then cuddled up in bed to talk to my sister, who was sleeping w/ us on a sleeping bag. It was so cozy to feel all clean and tucked into bed, after being sweaty and hot after the concert. I actually stripped down in the car right after the show and changed into a shirt I had bought, since I was all wet from sweat (other people's and mine) and water they had sprayed on us to keep us cool.
So it was one of the best days I've had in a long time.
And then today, we went to the Inwood Theater to enjoy their living room theater again, and saw The Happening. And, here's the most bizarre case of synchronicity ever! The Happening had a mood ring in it! Freak show. I wonder if I saw the shape of it subconsciously in a preview or something and it reminded me of how much I loved them as a kid.
Oh, and just to give readers of this blog some closure, I didn't end up getting any sandals. Due to overwhelming negative feeling towards both pairs, and my own ennui with them after all that frustration. Instead, I used some of the money I had saved up for them for a craigslist ottoman, and my mood ring.
First, I will tell you exactly what I was doing Friday night, and actually a lot of Friday day. I was on my couch, obsessively looking on ebay for a mood ring. Then, Aaron saw the Lucky brand mood ring (the only modern mood ring that didn't look cheap) and decided that he really liked it, which made me like it a bit more, because I had thought he would make fun of its gaudiness.
So then, I got really excited about the Lucky mood ring, and kept looking it up on the internet, very excited about when the Lucky boutique would open in the morning, 10 am.
Then, we went to sleep, woke up, and went straight to the store (like 5 mins after they opened), and bought it. They had to go in the back to get them, which is strange, since, if you have it, why don't you display it?
Then, we drove to Andi & Jeff's place, because Aaron was invited over to watch Jeff change the brakes on his Element, which they just bought (matching cars!! we must be best friends!!!) and I was invited over to play. While we were driving out there, Aaron teased me for looking at my ring so much.
So we stayed around and chilled and changed brake pads, and had Subway for lunch, which was all really nice because they live in the outskirts of Dallas, and it feels like the country out there. The weather felt so nice, and the air actually smelled fresh. And the neighbors have goats, horses, and peacocks...
While I was there, I noticed the backing was coming off the stone on my ring, and so when we got home, we got Dwight in the car, and went back out to the West Village, which is only 5 mins away from home, to exchange the ring for another. We walked Dwight around the West Village, where he met another pit bull, and both dogs were quite well behaved. Dwight pulled a little, and I had to say, "He's nice, he's just excited." And the other owner said, "Imagine that, an excited pit bull."
And then I got to the store, made the exchange, and then we all went home to take a nap and wait for my parents and sister to arrive.
And then they did, and after getting them settled, me and Aaron went to the Rancid concert, which was awesome!
I feel like I was in a car accident, which is always a sign of a great concert. And Tim did a song for Jordan, my sister's bf, because he met them at their hotel in Austin and told them he knew people who were going to be at their Dallas show.
Then, we got home after the requisite stop at mcdonald's for a large coke after the concert, and watched tv w/ my family. After we put my parents to bed, me and Aaron each took showers, and then cuddled up in bed to talk to my sister, who was sleeping w/ us on a sleeping bag. It was so cozy to feel all clean and tucked into bed, after being sweaty and hot after the concert. I actually stripped down in the car right after the show and changed into a shirt I had bought, since I was all wet from sweat (other people's and mine) and water they had sprayed on us to keep us cool.
So it was one of the best days I've had in a long time.
And then today, we went to the Inwood Theater to enjoy their living room theater again, and saw The Happening. And, here's the most bizarre case of synchronicity ever! The Happening had a mood ring in it! Freak show. I wonder if I saw the shape of it subconsciously in a preview or something and it reminded me of how much I loved them as a kid.
Oh, and just to give readers of this blog some closure, I didn't end up getting any sandals. Due to overwhelming negative feeling towards both pairs, and my own ennui with them after all that frustration. Instead, I used some of the money I had saved up for them for a craigslist ottoman, and my mood ring.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Today Aaron looked so hardcore, he was asked to remove his gang colors at the mall. The security guard (who was black, like many of the other mall patrons) stopped, looked at Aaron, shook his head and smiled a little, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't allow bandanas here." At first I thought Aaron was going to fight it, but then he just took it off. It was pretty funny since we were there looking for a mood ring for me, and Aaron kept offering to ask store employees whether they had mood rings in stock for me. Yes, he is a hardened gang banger.
Another random funny moment was after me and Aaron went to Baskin Robbins to have ice cream and we both walked out with the signature little pink spoons in our mouths. So we were playing with the spoons in the car, and since I was slouched over in the passenger seat a bit, and my shirt was riding up, I said, "Aaron, eat my belly fat so I can have a small belly." And so he started pretending to scoop my belly with his spoon and eat mouthfuls. Then, a car pulled up next to us, and Aaron looked really embarrassed and said it was one of those moments that you would kill to catch someone in...
"Oh my god, was that guy scooping that girl's stomach and pretending to eat bites of it? What?!"
In other news, I am currently obsessed with mood rings. What happened to the good quality ones? Nowadays, the only ones I can find are the ones near the cash register stuck in a sponge base, that cost $1.99. Sad. Actually there is a Lucky Brand Jeans one that is super gaudy that I am considering purchasing.
Another random funny moment was after me and Aaron went to Baskin Robbins to have ice cream and we both walked out with the signature little pink spoons in our mouths. So we were playing with the spoons in the car, and since I was slouched over in the passenger seat a bit, and my shirt was riding up, I said, "Aaron, eat my belly fat so I can have a small belly." And so he started pretending to scoop my belly with his spoon and eat mouthfuls. Then, a car pulled up next to us, and Aaron looked really embarrassed and said it was one of those moments that you would kill to catch someone in...
"Oh my god, was that guy scooping that girl's stomach and pretending to eat bites of it? What?!"
In other news, I am currently obsessed with mood rings. What happened to the good quality ones? Nowadays, the only ones I can find are the ones near the cash register stuck in a sponge base, that cost $1.99. Sad. Actually there is a Lucky Brand Jeans one that is super gaudy that I am considering purchasing.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Both of the kitties are at their new homes now. The tortie went home yesterday, and the gray tabby today. The gray tabby, who we called "Li'l Grey" and the vet spelled "Little Gray" is now named Toby. I don't know the tortie's name yet.
We are enjoying the peace and quiet, but I will miss the sounds of little pattering feet as they play in the living room. When it gets to be unbearable, I will just have to convince Aaron to foster more kittens!
Today when we went to make the exchange at the shelter, we browsed the dog area, and saw the cutest little puppy--tiny, and yet so dense! Here's a picture of him:

He was in the same cage as this boston terrier mix puppy.

Me and Aaron took out the little pit puppy and cuddled him, and then when we put him down, he kept whining. And so the boston terrier mix went over to the pit puppy where he was whining, and laid down next to him, and put his head on the pit puppy's back, to comfort him. It was the most human thing I've ever seen.
And it reminds me of when we went back the second day to see Dwight at the shelter, there was a little border collie puppy in the same cage as him, and they kept each other company. I felt bad adopting Dwight and leaving the other puppy all alone.
On another note, Aaron and I attempted homemade blueberry muffins for the first time last night! They turned out quite well, considering.
And tonight--homemade enchiladas for dinner! Which will surpass all Dallas enchiladas, but perhaps not surpass the enchiladas from Polvo's in Austin.
We are enjoying the peace and quiet, but I will miss the sounds of little pattering feet as they play in the living room. When it gets to be unbearable, I will just have to convince Aaron to foster more kittens!
Today when we went to make the exchange at the shelter, we browsed the dog area, and saw the cutest little puppy--tiny, and yet so dense! Here's a picture of him:

He was in the same cage as this boston terrier mix puppy.

Me and Aaron took out the little pit puppy and cuddled him, and then when we put him down, he kept whining. And so the boston terrier mix went over to the pit puppy where he was whining, and laid down next to him, and put his head on the pit puppy's back, to comfort him. It was the most human thing I've ever seen.
And it reminds me of when we went back the second day to see Dwight at the shelter, there was a little border collie puppy in the same cage as him, and they kept each other company. I felt bad adopting Dwight and leaving the other puppy all alone.
On another note, Aaron and I attempted homemade blueberry muffins for the first time last night! They turned out quite well, considering.
And tonight--homemade enchiladas for dinner! Which will surpass all Dallas enchiladas, but perhaps not surpass the enchiladas from Polvo's in Austin.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I am the best spy evar.
I have found a home for both kittens now! A girl wants the gray tabby and a guy wants the tortie. Pretty much what I figured, as the tortie is definitely a guy's cat--totally playful and fierce. The guy came around to see her today, and as he left, I thought..."Hmm, he sorta looks like the guy who brought the cutest brindle pit bull puppy to the crawfish boil a few weeks back, and blew me off when I wanted to pet it because he was using the puppy to chat up some blonde chicks."
Granted, I got almost no impression of the guy holding the puppy, as I was enchanted with the pup, but for some reason, I just started worrying that this was the same guy. Which wouldn't be a problem, just blowing me off...a propensity for blondes doesn't rule out a good pet owner, but when I asked him about the dog (right before he blew me off) he said he got it from a pet store. And I got the distinct impression that once the summer was over and the puppy was no longer as adorable, he would give it up, being the busy med student he was. And a pit bull puppy from a pet store? Totally unnecessary. They are a dime a dozen at shelters, and on the streets.
Anyways, so I went on some people's facebook photo albums and did some spying, and found the guy holding his pit bull puppy in the background of a picture, and found a picture of future kitten owner guy, and it's obviously not the same person. Mind now at ease.
I've been really intense ever since I stopped school. (The spying I just did is one example.) I think I've lost the ability to chill out. I think a mile a minute about totally pointless things, and it's really tiring.
I have also been obsessing about 'spaces' (i.e. totally pretentious way to refer to a room.) I have become enamored with the idea of ottomans. So much so that I have actually typed in the word ottoman into flickr. I found some really good cozy pictures of rooms, and am quite jealous. I have zero interior design abilities.
I have found a home for both kittens now! A girl wants the gray tabby and a guy wants the tortie. Pretty much what I figured, as the tortie is definitely a guy's cat--totally playful and fierce. The guy came around to see her today, and as he left, I thought..."Hmm, he sorta looks like the guy who brought the cutest brindle pit bull puppy to the crawfish boil a few weeks back, and blew me off when I wanted to pet it because he was using the puppy to chat up some blonde chicks."
Granted, I got almost no impression of the guy holding the puppy, as I was enchanted with the pup, but for some reason, I just started worrying that this was the same guy. Which wouldn't be a problem, just blowing me off...a propensity for blondes doesn't rule out a good pet owner, but when I asked him about the dog (right before he blew me off) he said he got it from a pet store. And I got the distinct impression that once the summer was over and the puppy was no longer as adorable, he would give it up, being the busy med student he was. And a pit bull puppy from a pet store? Totally unnecessary. They are a dime a dozen at shelters, and on the streets.
Anyways, so I went on some people's facebook photo albums and did some spying, and found the guy holding his pit bull puppy in the background of a picture, and found a picture of future kitten owner guy, and it's obviously not the same person. Mind now at ease.
I've been really intense ever since I stopped school. (The spying I just did is one example.) I think I've lost the ability to chill out. I think a mile a minute about totally pointless things, and it's really tiring.
I have also been obsessing about 'spaces' (i.e. totally pretentious way to refer to a room.) I have become enamored with the idea of ottomans. So much so that I have actually typed in the word ottoman into flickr. I found some really good cozy pictures of rooms, and am quite jealous. I have zero interior design abilities.
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