Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Yeah, so my roommate has decided to move back home for the last three weeks of the semester apparently. I wouldn't have even known except for my acute blog-reading abilities... It's sorta sad, her blog said that she "doesn't want to feel like an intruder in her own room anymore." Which I don't understand seeing as with MCATs and other school stuff I am hardly ever in the room except to sleep and drop off my things once or twice throughout the day. And she seems like a pretty cool person except she responds to all my attempts at conversation with monosyllabic answers...like two weeks ago (my last attempt at any sort of meaningful conversation) I was like, "You should read this short story by Stephen King, it's really good" (actually I didn't say it nearly so smoothly and confidently, because frankly, she makes me nervous...) but yeah I stumbled out something like that, figuring we'd have to talk about it after she was done with it...but no, a couple days later she hands the book back, saying, "Yeah I finished it..."
Anyways, I guess it's just one of those things. It's probably that neither of us talks a whole lot. But if I were so upset with my living conditions I'd at least talk to my roommate about it before just leaving without even packing up my stuff... : ( Seriously, I am totally socially inept.
current music: On the Table, AC Newman

I want to live in the O.C. I want a soundtrack this cool to apply to my life.
Instead, I spent the weekend playing Grand Theft Auto and eating high priced unworthy food at some restaurant that apparently only frat boys, sorority girls, and young professionals frequent. And wishing it were already next semester so that I would already have the perfect boxer puppy adopted from the local shelter to chill with.
Yeah, lately I've felt pretty dissatisfied with everything, it's all this indie rock that's making it worse, making me want something more than a simple day...

"I am an American aquarium drinker
I assasin down the avenue
I'm hiding out in the big city blinking
What was I thinking when I let go of you

Let's forget about the tongue-tied lightning
Let's undress just like cross-eyed strangers
This is not a joke so please stop smiling
What was I thinking when I said it didn't hurt...

I always thought that if I held you tightly
You'd always love me like you did back then
Then I fell asleep and the city kept blinking
What was I thinking when I let you back in

I am trying to break your heart
I am trying to break your heart
But still I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy
I am trying to break your heart"

See what I mean? Who wouldn't be terribly depressed and sad who listened to this? I think I will go lie in bed and contemplate my existence. ha.

Monday, April 4, 2005

There's a guy in my Erotic 18th Century Lit. class that is quietly going insane. Not that I blame him, it's just unnerving to look over and see him blankly staring off into space with a vaguely disturbing smile on his face, or holding a frantic whispered conversation with himself that ends in him chuckling sardonically.
That said, there's this other guy in my SPN class who's already fallen off the deep end (and if he hasn't I will personally kick him off.) Two days ago he walks into class, and says, "hey Jennifer, look what happened." He lifts up his pant leg, revealing a bloody mess haphazardly covered up by a bandaid. I was like, "Man, what happened, did you fall?" And he was like, I just can't stop falling for you, Jennifer." argh. The backstory to this whole thing invoves a bad car accident that apparently scrambled his brains...but I've observed this guy and he's just a douchebag. Hell, two minutes later he was telling me to take his fiance (who is coming in from Vietnam and is only 86 pounds as he has told us repeatedly) shopping and to tell her that American girls don't wear clothes to sleep. Like his poor underweight fiance should have to deal with a guy like him in addition to the communism of her 3rd world country...I mean, this is the same guy that told us it's ok that he cheats because he only cheats with girls who aren't Asian, because then it doesn't count.

Friday, April 1, 2005

Man, tonight has been so wierd. It all started this afternoon around 5:30 pm, when loud bursts of thunder suddenly erupted out of the fairly sunny, clear blue sky which had been emitting almost too much heat all day. The day took on this yellow-greenish tinge, and you could smell the rain in the air, but although the loud thunder cracked for a while, it only rained for about 10 minutes. During this time, I was sitting on my bed with the blinds way up so as to enjoy the sky and weather as much as possible with some glitter nail polish. Later, I went to the library to find some books I had been looking for for my 18th Century Lit. class (on people's interest in deformities in the 18th century) and then came home again. Then, Aaron called at around 11:30 pm, to go to Wendy's for food. The first strange occurrence happened at Littlefield fountain. No one was around, and it was all still--almost an ominous calm (which is wierd bc thursday nights are usually sorta busy). And we saw a cat walk across the narrow concrete lip in the middle of the fountain where the water falls from the taller level to the lower level--the waterfall was going, and the cat must have gotten its feet wet, but it just walked calmly across.
Then, we saw a baby possum just paused at a corner, almost hidden, with its triangular head and round eyes looking at us. And when we took too much notice of it, it scurried away so fast on its little legs. Its body was probably only about 5 inches long, and it was probably going out for its first scavenge of the night...
Anyways, so we went to Wendy's, and then when we came out, I found this Texas Revue cup hanging on the edge of this wooden fence on the main mall, like it was waiting for me--the backstory of this cup is that during the day when I was walking across West Mall to get to my class, someone was holding out free cups, and I had regretted not getting one. And then here's the exact cup, sitting there in front of me. Then, as we went on our way towards home, there's the baby possum again. It even stayed around long enough (disappearing and resurfacing from the bushes) for Aaron to run home and get his camera and some tortilla chips to feed it. It wouldn't come close enough, though, to get the chips, so we just left piles out for it to find. We snapped some photos, but they might not come out because it was dark and the possum was so little.
Anyways, pretty surreal night, right?
I love glitter nailpolish. All shades, the more glittery the better. Right now my toes and fingers are painted a light shade of glittery blue. Eek.
Ok, so I've been thinking about what to write here for a couple of days now...I've even written a draft. But the real subject I've been trying to get to in some roundabout way, is my trip down to San Antonio last weekend (Easter weekend). Me and Aaron drove down there on Friday, stopping in some town on the way to eat at Whataburger, where we both had our first taste of soda in 40 days. yum.
After we finally found our way off the highway and onto the narrow dirty streets of some San Antonio ghetto, we somehow found our way downtown without too much trouble. We parked on the corner of St. Mary's and Nueva for five dollars, which turned out to be a few blocks from the Alamo, and more importantly, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, which was the real reason we were there. (The parking in downtown was like, 5 dollars for 30 minutes, bc San Antonians are not used to walking their asses up two blocks...) It was a cool feeling though, because it seemed like we walked from the ghetto, where we were a little afraid of our things getting jacked, and into a really nice, festival-like atmosphere (with the help of a bus route map.)
Downtown was really colorful and crowded, probably because it was Easter weekend... We ended up going to Madame Tousseau's House of Wax, and Ripley's Believe It Or Not for the low price of $20 a person. The house of wax was pretty run of the mill until we got to the haunted house portion of it--I refused to go in until some people went in before us, and I made Aaron follow close behind them, because I felt safer in a crowd... The group of people we followed were Hispanic (and probably Mexican, I forgot to mention before that when we stopped at Whataburger, it was near an outlet mall, and there was an inordinate amount of cars in the outlet mall parking lot with Mexico license plates. It was actually sort of freaky how many there were.) Anyways, so there was this display in the haunted house thing of the Chupacabra, and although the people in front of us acted scared at everything else, at this display, they pointed and laughed at the white man's implementation of the Chupacabra.
At Ripley's, we saw a shrunken head, etc. It was really cool, probably the closest thing I can get to a freak show nowadays...which I know is not politically correct, but really, all I want to see are some freaks of nature. Is that too much to ask??
After this, we walked the Riverwalk, which was really beautiful, surrounded on both sides by high stone walls and fancy restaurants. We also went to the mall for a few minutes (where I looked for that store where all the boys on the orchestra trip bought illegal butterfly knives, Elissa, but it wasn't there anymore).
Then we couldn't decide what to eat for dinner, and went into a Pizza Hut so Aaron could try the new dipping pizza but they didn't have it so we left, and ended up going to a McDonald's around the corner which I had noticed before, because it looked so old-timey and unlike regular McDonald's. What they gained in aesthetics, though, they lost in food quality and the fact that they were so stingy with their restroom facilities (each person had to pick up a token when they bought food. And trust me, the bathrooms weren't worth it. ugh.)
By this time, it was getting near dusk, and we still wanted to go to the drive in movie theater, Mission 4, but we didn't know how to get there. But then, we see this woman wearing a shirt/apron that said Information, and she saved the day by telling us to go straight down St. Mary's (the street we had parked on) and we couldn't miss it. "Bring some brewskys and have a great night!" She was great. And also she assumed that we had a hotel, which felt really cool to me for some reason...I guess it made me feel grown up.
Well, we didn't bring brewskys but we did stop by a convenience store to buy some Famous Amos Cookies and potato chips and a coke.
The drive in was awesome. After a few false starts with not knowing what times each movie was, and which screens we wanted to see, we ended up at Hitch/Guess Who, with the Cr-V backed into the space. We folded down the backseat and had a ton of room to just chill in the trunk, with the back window hinged open to the night air.
After the movie, I drove home halfway until I was so sleepy it was getting dangerous, and then switched drivers at the side of the road where it was so dark the scenery faded into black ten feet from the car. We got home around 1 am, and it was the most chill, worry-free day I can remember ever. At least since high school anyway.